In the end it was an accident

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English isn't my first language, so please excuse mistakes ~ ♡

Silence laid in the room.
He could smell a offensive smell.

Something like germecide and drugs. He didn't like the smell.

Slowly he tried to open his eyes, but everything was black.

Pitch black.

"Hello?", he asked helplessly.

No answer.

He panicked, curled himself into a ball.

"Hello, is there anybody? Hello?"

There was no answer. But he knew that he wasn't alone in this room. He could hear someone's breathing.

He still wondered in what kind of room he was since the smell was nasty and piping noises echoed through the hollow room.

"Who's there?", he asked bravely, still not able to see something.

It was strange that he couldn't see anything. He was quite sure that his eyes were open.

"Izaya. ", he voice was quiet, sounded crumbly.

Yeah, he was Izaya. Orihara Izaya.

"Izaya, are you okay?"

The other guy, who was talking to him, sounded desperate.

Yeah, of course he was alright. Why shouldn't he be okay?

"Izaya, answer me!"

Izaya was sure that his opposite was crying right now. He heard sobbing noises.

Who's this guy? Why does he care about him?

He opened his mouth, tried to talk, but no sound left his throat.

He panicked, tried to speak again. But it didn't work. There was no sound, no voice, which left his mouth.

Why? Why is he not able to speak?

"Izaya...", the other sounded shocked.

Izaya shivered. He had funk.

He couldn't see. He couldn't speak. He couldn't feel anything except anxiety.

"Izaya, no, no this can't be real! "

Something in Izayas' mind lagged. He knew this voice.


Izaya smiled. It was nice to know who was next to him.

Izaya stretched out his hand and caressed shoulder (or cheek? Izaya wasn't sure what he had touched).

Even though he had not said that, his touch basically said 'It's alright'.

He knew that Shizuo looked at him. He looked back. He couldn't see the blonde bartender, bit he could feel his gaze. His guilty gaze.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault that you're in your current state."

Izaya shook his head.
He couldn't remember what happened, but ge was sure that it certainly was not Shizuos' fault.

It's not your fault, Shizu-chan.

"Of course it's my fault! I said you should fuck off. And because I said that you ran in front of the truck-,"

Oh, so he was in hospital.

"- and now, look at yourself. Look, what I did. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Izaya. Please, don't hate me! I-I love you!"

Izayas' heart pounded. Love.

Right, he loved Shizuo. And Shizuo loved him.

Suddenly Shizuo let his head fall on Izayas chest.

"I'm sorry, Izaya."

Izaya started stroking Shizuos' soft hair.

It's alright, Shizu-chan.

He could feel how Shizuos tears drenched his cloth.

Izaya felt nothing, but nevertheless tears rolled down his cheeks.

In the end it was an accident.

Hello there!

I don't know why I wrote this. But I'm (more or less) satisfied with this little (fluffy?????) story c:

I hope u likes this!

See ya'! :)

In the end it was an accident (Durarara!-Shizaya FF)Where stories live. Discover now