Winter Nights (Oddy/Ruby)

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(Bit of a AU where the boys aren't famous/young Oddy)

Feeling the cold breeze hitting your face as the wind picks up, you tighten the hold you had on to your hoodie to keep it from slipping off your head. Looking down as your run down shoes sink in to the snow making it a bit difficult to keep up with your small friend group that's farther ahead. Already hearing them making smartass comments as to you being a slow walker, you roll your eyes as you continue to try and make your way over to them.

Snow fuckin' sucks. But would you prefer this over the summer? Hell yeah.

Looking back up to see your surroundings, you nearly fall back when your view is blocked by none other than Oddy. His long curly hair peeking out from his beanie and hoodie that covered his head, his neck gaiter doing the same as the rest to keep himself warm.

"You good?" A bit muffled but clear enough for you to understand, you nod your head. Reaching his hand out for you to take, you don't hesitate. How the fuck were his hands warm in this weather? You had no fucking clue. But it helped so much compared to your small cold ones. "Holy shit, you're freezing."

"Sorry, I didn't think it would be THIS cold out tonight. I didn't want to carry around any heavy ass puffer jacket a shit."

"Bet your ass is regretting that now."

Snickering at his comment, you look at how small your hands are compared to his. In no means were you both dating. Just really close friends that shit like this was "normal" to the both of you. Being friends for so long you get accustomed and many people who weren't apart of your, again, small circle would consider you both as a couple. Getting told you'd look cute as a couple always made you a bit unease back then. Considering most opposite gender friends don't hold hands, sleep over at each others house and basically waltz in whenever they feel like it cause each others parents are just that fuckin chilled out or just oblivious. Doing it for so long, it's basically yours and Oddy's normal.

Stopping in your tracks when Oddy lightly pulls you back, you were about to ask what was wrong but instead you watch as he pulls something out of his pocket.

"Here, put this in your pocket." Handing you a small pouch like thing, you take it into your hand. "It's a hand warmer."

Looking at him a bit confused to which he returns a dagger like stare.

"To... keep your hands warm, dumbass."

"No shit, I'm just surprised you pulled this shit outta nowhere." Smiling as you place the hand warmer in your pocket, you keep your hand just above it to keep warm. Watching as you do so, Oddy smiles lightly to himself under the gaiter.

"I always have to stay prepared."

"Oh? Why's that?" Taking your hand back in to his, he looks straight ahead to where your friends are waiting for the both of you, having a loud conversation over possibly some stupid shit as always.

To say Oddy cares deeply for you would be an understatement. He knew his feelings towards you would never change no matter the cause of anything. He's thought about being open and honest with his feelings but there was a lot to take in to consideration. Not only the friendship being put on the line, not knowing if you felt the same way. But also being the bit of a delinquent that he is, he'd rather not have you wrapped up in any of the stupid shit he and his cousin get themselves in to and ruin the chances for you to have a better life than this. From the very start of just getting to know you, he knew he'd love you far from even knowing what love was at the time at such a young age. Growing up with each other and being there for each other through accomplishments and difficulties, he never took any of those moments for granted. For others he's just a shy, introverted guy with issues but when he's with you he doesn't have to be this shell of a person. To many others who have a significant other like you, being able to call them their lover, hold them and kiss them whenever they pleased. Simply just being as amazing and beautifully written as yourself — Oddy envy's them.

It's only a matter of time.

"Just 'cause."


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