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He was stunned the moment he knew she was leaving.He made his way to the Airport as fast as he could muster.

He endured an argument with the security personnel, not letting him in.As he thought about every second passing by, becoming wasted,he grew impatient and too worried to think straight. He considered himself left with no choice but to push the security aside and punch him on the face.

He didn't care. It was an assault but he didn't care. As long as he'll arrive in time. As long as he'll see her at least for the last time if he fail to make her stay.

He ran, unaware of the people he was bumping into. Adrenaline rushing through his veins, invading his senses and if possible,his whole being.

On the other hand, she was just sitting comfortably on one of the countless plastic chairs provided for passengers waiting for their departure.It was quite cold in the spacious waiting area. She was wearing her lavender knitted sweats,jeans and a pair of sneakers. Her puffy eyes making her look stressed out and exhausted. Her favorite book was under her nose, reading it with interest while a sad music was playing in her earphones.

He was in a panic. The place was filled with people but the moment he caught an eye of a girl with her messy hair covering half of her face.

The familiar girl reading a book while listening to songs with the deepest of meanings. The exact same girl he came here for.

He rushed towards her, still relieved to find her after a struggle in a huge crowd, and being too focused on what she was reading and the lonely lyrics playing,she didn't notice his presence.

He slowly put away both of her earphones and said
"So you're leaving without saying goodbye to me?"

She stared at him for a long time, unable to comprehend the current scenario,his unexpected appearance, the redness in his eyes and the words he spoke of.

"Are you sure about this? Are you sure you're leaving?"
He asked again.Now he's kneeling in front of her.
She said nothing.

"Please don't leave. I know this is the first time I'm telling you this but I want you to know that I love you,right from the very beginning.And I always will love you.Please,please stay."
He begged,his voice cracking after every single word.

She's unsure of what she just heard.
"Is this one of my stupid daydreams?"
She asked herself.

But NO. She wasn't imagining that surreal moment for she felt his hand holding hers tightly.
His touch persuading her to stay.

She tried to say something,she stuttered a lot but his name came out of her mouth like it was the most beautiful word existing in the language of love.

The name she loves to say in every dream,wishes and even prayers.
The name of the effortlessly perfect person kneeling in front of her.
The person she's leaving behind because of his nonchalance, and lack of openness.

Though still in the state of shock, she cannot deny the warmth she felt when he suddenly pressed his full lips on hers.

She instantly dropped her book and her wide eyes started to shut as his eyes did the same.

People were staring at them, flabbergasted at what they're witnessing but the two of them were oblivious.They have nothing to worry about.These people can't stop them from sharing the very first kiss of their lives.

It took her some time but she figured out something that very moment.
She will never leave again.
She will never ever try and run away again.
He may be the cause of her sadness but he's also her every ounce of happiness. And she realized that life completely without him is unbearable.
He learned to communicate much better,to express his feelings the way she wanted him to.He swore to never let her go again and she decided to stay with him for good.

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