the return

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After so long i can't believe im back it feels, it feels so unreal. I don't think i can do it. "oh come on Corienne, its just one year then we're out lets just get it over with" Olton told me. I know Olton but we were the only four of our class that survived the massacre i feel so bad coming back here... Don't feel bad just think about Me, Rhett, and Easton, We are all in this together. You're right im just overthinking cmon lets go before we're late. "Omg Corienne!! how are you sweetie!! i haven't seen you since... yea since that... are you ok?? how's everyone doing" said Selena the bane to my existence. Selena please not today. Oh olton cmon im just curious. well don't be. Wow so rude...
Hey you ok Corienne?  Yea im ok im just a little shaken... selena' always been a bit a bitch. yeah she has. "hey guys over here!!" hey there's Easton over there lets go! heyy east man! Hey hows it going! we haven't really seen eachother since the group therapy meeting. yeah i know right we should hang out one day. yeah we should how about this saturday? we're not doing anything. ok cool, what about rhett has anyone seen him? nah not really he's probably dropping off his little sister. i'll text him.... hey rhett said he's going to be a little late so don't wait up. we should probably get in the building you know how Mr.Crimbs gets... yeaaahhh i think its best we head inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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