Chapter 1

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How could a bright smile like his have such sad and lonely eyes. I'll never forget that day he finally glanced my way, and I knew I would regret ever falling for him...
May 13th 1991, it was a warm sunny day. Everyone was excited for graduation and finally to be freed from this school. I look around the field at all of my classmates in their cap and gowns. I see my twin and see that he's as well behaved as usual. I roll my eyes as I hear the teacher call for the student council to come sit up on the stage behind him. That's when I noticed the student council president, Alice. We've only talked to each other once or twice when we were paired together in class, well more like he talked to me. He looked somewhat sad but he hid it immediately by a wide but fake smile. Our eyes connect as soon as he sits down on the stage. I don't look away as now we both stare at each other. He gives me a smile and I scowl at it. I don't like when people are fake. I'll be sure to figure out what his deal is if I ever see him again. A few hours pass as the graduation ceremony ends. I see Alice walking to his blue Porsche and I decide that it's better to ask now than never. I walk up to him behind him and place my hand on his car as I lean towards him. He turns around a bit surprised but he immediately switches to his wide fake smile. "Mr. Masslow, what can I help you with?" He says with a fake smile. I glare at him, and sigh. "Don't give me your fake preppy schoolboy act, Forakis." I say as I glare at him. What's your deal? I don't know why but I glare at him closely. I push off his car and stand upright. "I know what you're doing, and it ain't gonna work on me" I say as I notice his fake smile falter. He sighs and his smile looks much more real, but it's sad. "So you've noticed?" He states and he leans on his car. His hair covers his eyes so it hard for me to recognize his expression. He pierces his lips before grabbing my jacket. He suddenly connects our lips with a kiss. He puts on a smile as I hear some teens come towards us. They all whisper to each other as they notice us kissing. I feel something Alice put in my jacket pocket before he pushes me off. He gives me a grin and a wink as he gets in his car. I watch as he drives away, I stand in the now empty parking lot silently. I touch my lips with my fingers, I'm speechless. "Cherry, they tasted like cherry" I say to myself quietly. I walk to my old Chevy truck and get in. I sigh as I remember that he put something in my jacket. I put my hand in my pocket and I see it's a tube of lip gloss with a small card on it. It's a card to a flower shop. I grin at the tube of lip gloss "so this is his way of making sure we meet again?" I scoff before driving off to my house, I see that the lights are off which means that Cassian is out. "He's probably at his new apartment, he'll need to bring over the rest of his things later" I say as I enter my house. I look at the rest of the boxes that are in the living room. I walk up to my room and turn on the radio. I take off my shoes, pants, and shirt before plopping into my bed. My eyes feel heavy as I make sure to make a mental note to visit the flower shop soon.

[The first 4 or 5 chapters will take place 11 years prior to the current story. The current story takes place in 2002.]

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