Blocked XX

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As the dust settles from the abrupt and violent interruption, the three women stand in a tense silence, their fleeting sense of triumph shattered by the harsh sound of the gunshot that still echoes in their ears. Kim's grip on her weapon tightens, her body coiled and ready to spring into action as her eyes fixate on the emerging figure of Kassandra.

Kassandra steps forward, the smoking gun in her hand a stark reminder of the sudden turn of events. Her expression is one of cold calculation, betraying none of the chaos that has just unfolded.

Kim: You! I figured that robot would've killed you by now!

Kass: I have my ways of avoiding that giant tin can. But enough about me. I'll say it again. The stone tablet. Hand it over.

Kim: Why do you even want this thing anyway?

Kass: Isn't it obvious? Power, my dear. The kind of power that's been slipping through my fingers ever since I got trapped in this godforsaken place. That tablet is part of my plan to escape, and I'm not leaving without it.

Yumi, still reeling from the shock, clutches the stone tablet to her chest, a silent vow to protect it at all costs. Phym, her expression a mix of sorrow and anger.

Phym: You killed him... just for this? You're no different than Jermel was.

Kassandra laughs, a sound devoid of humor and warmth.

Kass: Please, I'm nothing like that fool. He lost his way, became consumed by madness. I, on the other hand, have always been very clear about my goals. Now, enough of this. Hand over the tablet, and I might let you live.

The tension is palpable as the standoff continues.

Kim: Even if we give you the tablet, there's no guarantee you'll keep your word. You shot Jermel without a second thought. What's stopping you from doing the same to us once you have what you want?

Kassandra's eyes narrow at the challenge, her finger twitching on the trigger.

Kass: Oh, Kimberly. You're in no position to negotiate. Give me the tablet, or the next bullet finds one of you.

Yumi: Kassandra, please listen. We don't know what this thing is for. It could-


Kassandra shoots Yumi directly in the kneecap , making her fall to the ground and scream in pain.

Phym: YUMI!

Kassandra quickly draws her gun at Kim, eyes wide open and noticeably twitching.

Kass: Give me. The stone. NOW!

Kim, hands raised, reaches for the stone tablet from Yumi's hands.

Kim: Take it. Just go.

Kassandra smiles widely and snatches the stone tablet from Kim's hand.

Kass: Now, was that so difficult? You could've avoided any injuries if you just cooperate. Anyway I'll be on my way. Also, I'm compensating the Nexus Device. "Until next time, my what's left of brothers and sisters."

She vanishes into the dark and inky corridors, giggling along the way. Kim runs to Yumi as she was crying uncontrollably from a gunshot wound.

Kim: Yumi. Yumi! You're going to be okay.

Yumi: It hurts... *hic* so... *hic* bad...

Kim: Shh... Don't talk. You'll live. We gotta get out of here. Phym?

Phym was kneeling down next to Jermel's body, tears streaming down her face as she stares at a lifeless body.

Phym: He didn't deserve this... None of us do.

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