frequent readers

280 4 96

\\ authors note: im literally just going to make all the planets gather for every chapter unless i say otherwise because im lazy af and dont have time to write abt holograph dragging the camera around <3



"Hihi!! Welcome back! We've just hit 200 comments when I started this chapter, woohoo!! That's a lot!" Holograph celebrated. "We've also hit around 950 reads at the moment when I'm editing this message!! That's only 50 away from 1k!! Thank you all so much!! Anyways, thank you WarriorCats88800, for these dares and ask!"

 "We've also hit around 950 reads at the moment when I'm editing this message!! That's only 50 away from 1k!! Thank you all so much!! Anyways, thank you WarriorCats88800, for these dares and ask!"

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"First ask! Since it really hasn't been 24 earthling hours yet when I started this chapter, Mercury is still super mean and evil. Of course, I'm lazy, so I'll just remove it after the ask is over since it's been 24 hours when I edited this message." Holograph turns to Mercury. "What do you think about not your not evil self?"

"I'M NOT EVIL!!! SHUT UP!!" Mercury snapped.

"I- okay... let's just..."


Mercury blinked, his enraged expression turning into a confused one. "Huh..? Did I really say all that horrible stuff?"

"Yes. You did. Moving on! First dare, Europa gets crushed by a piano!!" Holograph read aloud.

"What's a... piano?? And I don't, like the sound of being... crushed." Europa looked a bit unnerved but also annoyed at the same time.

"Musical instrument, Astrodude played one on Mars's surface once."

"Who's Astr-"


A piano fell onto Europa, but unfortunately it was a regular, earthing sized piano, since Holograph did not want to destroy Europa, in case they pissed off Jupiter.

The piano simply hit Europa's surface and shattered into a bunch of little pieces.

"Ow!! Ugh!" Europa winced.

"L. Anyways, the next dare is for Ganymede to watch it all..? I'm assuming you mean the piano crushing, which he saw." Holograph gestured to Ganymede over in Jupiter's orbit.

"Moving on! Earth, Luna, and Titan play Monopoly!"

"Er, what's a Monopoly?" Titan questioned.

"It's a kind of game my earthlings invented!" Earth piped up. "They're called board games! I don't know how to play, though."

The three looked expectantly at Holograph.

"What? Just because I break the fourth wall all the time doesn't mean I know how to play Monopoly!!" they shot defensively. "Just read the instructions, I guess! Try not to kill each other. <3" Holograph pulled out a Monopoly board game that's big enough for Earth, but small enough for Luna. Titan was kinda in the middle.

solarballs ask or dareWhere stories live. Discover now