The Very Beginning

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Ah! You all are probably wondering who I am! I'm Arabella Colton. My parents call me bella. All my friends call me bells if nicknames weren't so complicated! I live in the small town of Ennis, Texas. Most of my life, I grew up here with my parents. Alice Colton and Robert Colton are my parents. Most of the time me and my best friend Jose Summers and I will go shopping. I probably shouldn't start on my now life since I'm now 23. Where should I start? How about freshman year, yes, the year to be alive. Back when I was younger, I was happier, free even. My hair was shorter and a darker brown. The perfect length to my shoulders is not like it is now. My piercing hazel eyes with a hint of blue. I was and still am the short person. Some things never changed my hair did though it grew 8 inches to it over the years. My age and looks filled out nicely, but let's not start here. Let's start when I was focused on school. Let's start on the first day of summer. When Jose Summers was over at my house. Of course, we were gossiping per usual discussion. I can't remember fully what the gossiping was about. I'm sure it wasn't much something that wasn't worth our troubles. We were 14 though I mean, what do you expect. After that excruciating hour long gossip, we got into something better. Like the start of freshman year, what we were excited about. Jose was more focused on boys she always had been. I wasn't, though I was set on getting good grades. Of course, being top of the classes. That was besides the point summer had just begun. Jose was already buying her bikini. She had to get the one that revealed the most. She claims it helps catch the boys attention. Something I don't want to do. Me and her have different ideas of summer fun. She goes for boys, and I go for memories. We both have very different personalities. After all that talking, it was already late at night, and time for Jose to head home. Of course, after she was gone, I dosed off to sleep without a struggle. I was going to need all the sleep I could get. It was going to he a long summer, a very long summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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