Chapter 13

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              Roman's furious expression quickly changed to curious until it also clicked in his head. 

              We both ran to his laptop that was tucked within the bag, pulled it out and plugged in the flash drive. The file was huge - to where it had to be broken into 3 separate files. Very first one was information on the man more thoroughly, second file was a possible tracking system, and third was where it got deeper into why he chose fire. 

               "Jesus christ, this is a lot of information to put together." I said. 

               But Roman pointed out where my brain had put pieces together, "But you are onto something Freya." 

                I looked at where he had pointed as it read the very first crime he had committed. It was on newspaper - making it the official crime Roman was able to success in. But it was also including my last name, even though it was mentioned further on. It caused goosebumps from reading the whole newspaper. Jotting down the information that was read, we started connecting more pieces together as it was plainly obvious. This man was going after those in order of who was at the meeting from years ago. 

               "Who is this guy?" I asked. 

               "Must be a new generation from distant family, Joaquin Alvarez. My mom and I thought they were done for good. But apparently there is a vendetta against us two, and to those who were present in that private meeting. But Alvarez and Borbón family are related by marriage - but they never got involved with anything that was the other's problem." Roman answered. 

                 I took a long breathe, realizing it was late in the hours and we've been going after the whole mission since this afternoon. But the paper that laid onto the windshield was placed inside the notebook I brought along. Completely starting a new mystery. 

                 We took showers once we put away any devices that could drive the attention of nosy maids. And finally went to bed. But the room was cold, so snuggling under the sheets was definitely needed as it caused me to shiver. Roman stayed where he laid, knowing I wasn't in any mood to be nearby him. Hiding information was a big mistake that he should've known, it would've caused me to actually drive a knife in him without hesitation. The weather also started to shift from calm to windy. Making the trees and anything in its path go across the window. Luckily I was able to fall asleep despite everything going on outside but also my thoughts.

                  Finally the morning arised, Roman was working on the mission as soon as he woke up. Coffee was freshly brewed but it wasn't good as it was cheap and barely little makings to change the bitterness of the taste. 

                 "Morning sleeping beauty." Roman said. 

                 I groaned, hated being called that as it was the polar opposite of what sleeping beauty represented, "Please don't call me that." 

                 Roman snickered a little bit but holds out the notebook that had more notes added to it, "I found some more connections on Joaquin. Turns out he lives in New York, further on the outskirts - but it just seems weird how he just lives on the outskirts, and yet the meeting occurred in the underground caverns of center New York." 

                I ended up taking the notebook and saw a big question mark right next to his location, "So you're saying he doesn't live on the outskirts?" I asked. 

                Roman nodded and did some more digging as to why that specific location was brought up. But it was road block after road block as to the reason, we just know he lives on the outskirts. But no information - like address, look of the building, if it's a apartment complex and more. My head was starting to hurt, it was gathering too many possibilities as to why he was pinned to the outskirts. Roman noticed the time was running thin as we had to pack up and leave the room before check-out time. 

           Grabbing a map and paying the desk clerk with the given price, as it was in and out. Getting to leave and see where the pin led to, Roman was driving while I gave him directions that kept getting shorter as we got closer to the pin. I did some more information gathering was the locations of where a fire was caused purposely. 

          "Whatcha got there Freya?" Roman asked. 

          My eyebrows frowned when realizing that it was forming a circle. The next target was after the third or first fire. But once the lines were connecting a central location, it led to a bar. A bar that was ended long ago. 

          "What was the name of the Bar our father's were at?" I asked. 

          "Nirvana.. Why?" Roman hesitantly replied. 

          I didn't have to say anything as he knew exactly that bar was the central location. Roman stayed quiet as he continued driving to the pinned location, it caused a bit of tension and possible nostalgia or deja vu. 

          Getting to the pinned location, it was just a rotting household that just stood there with very little support. Both Roman and I had gotten a sense of unease as we approached the supposed driveway. Grabbing our guns and possible small knife for me, just in case, before we got out of the car - it kept getting worse as we got closer to the house. 

           "Something doesn't feel right.." I mentioned. 

           Something didn't feel like normal. It felt like we were being misled to this location in order to get away from his next hit. Roman kicked opened the door as it easily broke off its hinges and caused it to lay on the floor. We both had our guns ready at point in case we had an ambush. As we continued to go further in the house, the room went dark and hard wood flooring came in contact with my skin. 

           My vision was cutting in and out as I was trying to keep consciousness after being hit, but all I managed to see were a pair of boots and blue jeans. 


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