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When the game devs announced you were finally going to be a romancable character, Idia couldn't believe his luck! Well, it wasn't all luck since he did rig the polls... But still! His prayers are finally being answered!

Too long he's waited for you to have a more important impact on the story than just being a side character. After what felt like days of waiting, the maintenance was finally over. He launched the app and..!

A black screen.

Confused, he closed it out and tried again, still to no avail. Flopping down into his chair, he huffed and placed his tablet onto his desk. He's totally about to send a complaint to the devs about this. That's only if people haven't started sending them in already.

He let out another breathy sigh before picking up his tablet again and promptly letting out a pathetic yelp as it zapped him. He let go of it and started shaking his hands as though that would dispel the electric tingles running throughout the tips of his fingers.

He realized too late as he looked on in horror to his tablet heading towards the floor. His leg instinctively shot out to kick it, as if that would do anything. He scrambled to his feet just as the gadget hit the flo-
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Where am I?
Who am I?
.... Oh, that's right..I'm.. I was... wait- where am i??
... Jeez I feel like I've been kicked or something.

I stand and rub my stomach, my school uniform is ruined from a long day of laying on the dirt in the forest.
The.. forest?
No, that can't be right... I was just on my way back from the convenience store when I... I... ugh. Thinking about it makes my head hurt.

I groan and then look around more instead, opting to take in my surroundings. Lots of trees. Great job, nice description you moron. Suddenly, I spot a light in the distance. It wouldn't hurt to go there, I guess. Trudging through the slightly muddy terrain I can only cringe at what Venice would think if he saw the state of me and my attire right now. No use dwelling on that now.

After an intense and unpleasant surprise workout, I arrive at the source of the luminosity. Two large steel gates tower over me, casting an imposing aura that makes me tremble. Or maybe that's from being cold, dirty, and wet. Faced with that option as well, I peer beyond the bars of the gates. I smell the fresh cut grass and see the dimly lit areas of a well kept campus. It must be a college of some sort, I presume.

It's dark, but I can tell it's way too different from the college I'm used to. Although, maybe I can find some help here, along with answers as to why I woke up in the middle of who knows where. ... I guess they would know where, huh? Using that logic and steeling my resolve, I push on the cold metal with all my might.

It doesn't budge. Of course the gates would be locked at night. Letting out a large breath I look around before seeing a little path off to the side. Maybe it leads to the campus? Let's hope it does. Let's also hope I don't get charged with trespassing on a private institutions property also..

Carefully, I navigate the path, strolling along the ground before coming back up again. SCORE! Now, I can finally seek out someone to help me with my situation.

Right before I take a quick nap.
I plop down in front of one of the benches before leaning my arm against it. Quickly retracting my hand back as a get a little static shock from it. Life is not going well for me today, is it? I would lift myself onto the actual bench but I'm way too tired for that. Looks like it's another muddy night for me.

I lay my head on the chill, but not totally uncomfortable wooden surface. *Venice is gonna tear me a new one if he finds out about this.* As quickly as that thought came, it went away again. Letting the hands of sleep overtake me, I drift off...


Unbeknownst to them, yellow eyes watch from afar.
An imp out past curfew, peering from the door ajar.
They mumble to themself, half gibberish, half with glee.
What an exciting new adventure this is going to be!


a/n | i hope you all enjoy this as much as i enjoyed coming up with the concept for it! it's late for me and i wanted to get this out before i lost motivation for it, which is why the description and cover is so meh。but i promise i'll update it later when i post more chapters and such! hopefully this opening wasn't too long and a snooze fest because golly gee we aren't even in the prologue yet.... anyway!!! thanks for reading this far and i hope you'll enjoy what i have coming, byeee!!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾

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