The story

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Once upon a time there was a little fish, he had a lot of friends. They played all day everyday, but little fish became sad, he thought he was not as colourful as his friends, not as shiny and shimmery, not as beautiful.

"You are beautiful!" They all told him,
"You're as beautiful as any fish in the ocean".
But little fish didn't believe them, "I am not!" He said to them, " I am grey and dull in colour and shine, while you are all beautiful I am ugly."

And as much as they told him over and over that he had glorious scales and colours, he wouldn't listen, so one day little fish swam away.

"If I can't be beautiful like my friends I don't deserve to be around them" he said to himself. He swam and swam miles away, until he came to a group of fish swimming by.

They stopped and asked him "why do you look so sad little fish?"
"Because I am not colourful like my friends, I am not a bright shimmery green or a deep glowing red, or a blinding yellow, I am just a dull, boring grey." Little fish said sadly.
"But you are beautiful." they said.
"I am not." Little fish began to swam away.
"Wait!" They said to him "come here and see for yourself."
"What do you mean?" Little fish went over to them.
"Look in that reflector on the floor by the rocks and look at your scales." They told him, so little fish went over to the reflector, it was a mirror.

He gasped shocked at what he saw, before him in the mirror staring back at him was his reflection, as his tail went side to side he saw his scales shimmer in all the colours he could imagine, shimmering and shining. Glimmering and gleaming, every time his tail moved multiple colours shone on his scales bouncing off the light and changing again.

Little fish couldn't believe it all this time he didn't think he was beautiful but he was, his friends were right, he was as beautiful as they were!
"Wow!" Little fish said.
"There now you see, you're as beautiful as anyone can be!" They said
"Thank you!" Little fish said and swam back to his friends.

"I am beautiful!" He told them "I didn't believe it but I realise now that I am as beautiful as every other fish in the ocean!"
"We told you." They told him "and don't swim away again we were worried!"
"I promise." Said little fish, and he was happy from then on.

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