Chapter One

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A/N: Hello! This is @BubbleGumCat2010 but feel free to call me Bubbles! This is my first ever WattPad story 😅 Sorry if I make any spelling mistakes. I try to keep a little humor in my chapters by posting memes! Oh crap- I started rambling haven't I?. . .I'm gonna just go now. . (ENJOY THE STORY! 🥰)

Sap That Drips Into Pool,or Sap for short flicked his tail from side to side. His sleek Siamese pelt shined in the sunlight as he walked with Eagles That Soar and Quiet Patter Of Rain. Padding with his patrolmates through the beautiful yet jagged mountainscape,trying to scent out any prey. Suddenly a strong,tantalizing scent of a snow hare wafted around his nose. He held up his slim tail to signal for his patrolmates to stop. "What's the problem Sap-"Eagles asked,cut off in mid sentence by Sap. 

Sap hissed quietly to silence his friend,dropping into a hunter's crouch when he saw a small yet plump body of a snow hare. Stalking the small hare,his paws light and almost silent as he creeped closer. Step. . .Step. . .until. . .CRACK! Sap quickly glanced down to realize he stepped on a twig,snapping it with a loud crack. The hare heard this too and bolted off, though luckily Quiet was there, she bolted after the hare, Quiet and the hare disappeared in a clump of shrubs. A few moments later she reappeared with a dangling white hare in her jaws.

"Nice catch Quiet Patter!" Eagle beamed to his friend,his brown tabby pelt raising with kit-like joy. Quiet had a look of embarrassment on her face as the hare in her jaws made it a little difficult to speak. "Th- Thanks Eagle. ." She muttered,her soft grey pelt ruffled and her aqua green eyes focused and her own paws out of embarrassment. "Yeah Quiet,that hare totally would've gotten away if it wasn't for you!" Sap gave a purr of encouragement to the small she-cat. He was always trying to get her out of her shell, guess they should have named her Turtle Who Hides! "Thanks you guys,but I really don't need the praise,I'm just another hunter for the tribe."She mumbled,her aqua gaze still on her small paws.

"Cmon before the sun sets!"Eagle gave a playful nudge to Sap and Quiet. "The last one there is buzzard-food!" Sap called,already on the move as he raced away. The slim,tall tom grinned to himself, the wind streaming through his sleek pelt. He thought to himself as saw the cave come into sight, I wish everyday was like this. . . 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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