Day 1: Onyx Origins.

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It was a nice day in Town Ebott. People coming and going, Monsters following, and the odd racist on both teams.
But this wouldn't even start if it weren't for Frisk Dreemur.
A small child about 6-7 with a harden spirit and a determined heart.
These days frisk is adopted by Toriel. Against frisks moms better wishes, they decided to split part time. Frisk gets to see her Bio mom on weekends and Toriel on weekdays. Since Toriel is a teacher.
On one of these weekdays frisk was doing science class with alphys.
She was teaching about how to turn heat into a easy source of power with just magic and mechanics. It was... Boring. To say the least.
As frisk left class and went to their locker, a note was in their locker, and a Onyx stone next to it.. There was a purple  liquid inside the bottle.
"Every soul has the power to  revolt."
Frisk took the note and left to bring it to alphys.
[*Well frisk I don't know what this is, could be referring to our history or our future. Or maybe it's just a prank. But I'll look into it!]
Frisk left confused. But determined to find out what it meant.
Frisk got home and ate dinner with Toriel.
Tomorrow is another day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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