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Hello Ranger Readers, 

I apologize for the short chapter. I'm experiencing writer's block for the next part of this episode. 

There will be a poll at the end of this chapter. 


It was just like any other day at the Dino Cafe. While Shelby and Amelia are at the end of their shift, Shelby's kindergarten friend, Erin, comes for a visit. Erin had a slender body, blonde hair, and blue eyes, and she preferred to wear sunglasses on top of her head.

So, throughout the girl's shift, the boys sat with Erin to keep her company. Erin sat in the corner of a booth with Koda and Tyler. On the other side sat Chase, Riley, and Ivan. After she finished her shift, Amelia made her way over to the table. Taking a seat on Ivan's lap, he wrapped his arms around her.

They laughed quite a lot, making Amelia curious about what Erin said. "What's so funny?" Amelia whispered in Ivan's ear. Ivan explained that Erin was talking about her school days with Shelby.

"And then I was like, of course, it's a Donkey." Erin finished her story, causing the whole table except Amelia to laugh uncontrollably. After hearing all the laughter, Shelby joined the table.

"Shelby, Erin is awesome," Tyler commented, noticing Shelby's presence.

"Yep, that's why we've been besties since kindergarten," Shelby boasted.

"Awwww Shelbster. I was just telling your friends about that Dinosaur song from school. Remember? Erin asked. "What a riot."

"Oh wait," Shelby thought. "Life is like a triceratops."

"And you know I love you, Tricera, lots," Erin sang back.

"That's it." Shelby nodded as the others praised the two friends.

"Right after I wrote the song, we won the talent show with it," Erin informed them. As Amelia glanced at a forced-smiling Shelby, Erin asked, "We were like rock stars, weren't we, Shelby?"

"Uhhhh yeah," Shelby hesitated to reply. "It's a great song."

"One minute till my shift is over, let's go find some fun, huh?" Shelby suggested, with everyone agreeing.

"I'll help you clear these, Shelby," Amelia offered, getting up from Ivan's lap with concern over her friend's welfare.

"Then we can get out of here, right," Chase mentioned.

Amelia helped Shelby clear the table. Wanting to know what is on Shelby's mind, Amelia goes to the counter with Shelby.

"So a triceratops song? Erin's into dinosaurs too?" Amelia asked, curious as to what Erin was really like.

"It's my triceratops song," Shelby answered, admitting that she was the one who wrote the song. We sang it in the talent show and won first place. Then, immediately, she started telling everyone that she had written it. Even though I wrote every word." Shelby explained while we heard our friends laughing behind us.

"Yep, she takes credit for everything. But she's still my bestie. Come on." Shelby motioned for Amelia to follow her, yet something caught Amelia's eye.

Amelia saw Erin being friendly and touching Ivan before she followed Shelby. Amelia started to feel possessive and protective in her gut, but she ignored it.


The group decided to hang out in the park. Walking past an ice cream truck, Amelia wanted to buy everyone an ice cream cone. "I'll go and get us some ice cream cones," Amelia offered.

"Yeah," Erin smiled, pulling Shelby with her. At the same time, the others waited on a bench. They got to the truck and got eight ice creams. As the girls walked up to the guys, Erin said, "Hey guys, my treat. I've got one for each of you, she said before Amelia could say a word.

"Her treat!? I paid for those," Amelia said, low enough for only Shelby to hear. "I told you."

Told you," Shelby nodded.

"Give me those groceries, lady!" Everyone's attention was caught by a lonely monster, trying to steal a brown bag from an old lady.

"It's a spikeba-" Shelby began until she remembered Erin was with them, meaning they couldn't morph.

"Everyone get to safety!" Amelia finished.

"Yeah! We'll meet at the café." Tyler said, adding to Amelia's statement, and then all of the rangers tossed their ice creams and dispersed so they could all morph without Erin catching them.

"Guys!" Erin yelled out in hopes one of them would answer. 


Hope you like it. I'm so sorry for it being short. 

Instead of Erin impersonating the pink ranger, I've decided to change it to Erin impersonating Amelia as the yellow ranger.

So here are my ideas... 

1. From hearing that Erin is on the news, claiming she's the yellow ranger. feeling like everyone is better off without her, Amelia runs away to her hiding spot (THIS IS HER SPOT FROM EPISODE A DATE WITH SONG AND DANCE) 

2. Only dance makes Amelia forget the worries and responsibilities of being the yellow Ranger. 

3. Notices halfbake attacking Erin, Amelia intervenes yet gets taken with Erin?

These are my initial ideas. Please let me know your thoughts, or if anyone can assist.

ETERNAL LOVE, A DINO CHARGE ROMANCE 2 ON HOLD BUT WILL RETURNTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon