Being Stuck In An Elevator With Your Crush For Seven Hours

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Industry night went swimmingly and, thanks to Gon and Killua's blunder, Gon wasn't dropped off three blocks from his apartment. They entered the Zoldyck Family Buick and, begrudgingly, Killua told his sister, "Just... one stop."

"One stop?" Kurapika teased, leaning over the center console. "Did I hear that right? Did I hear that you're getting lai—"

Killua didn't have to look. He'd already been rearing to punch Kurapika in the arm—only this time, he got Kurapika square in the right pectoral.

Kurapika collapsed back into his seat next to Gon, feigning injury.

"I'm just gonna get one thing straight," Killua said.

"By that you mean gay," Alluka teased, and Kurapika howled with laughter.

Killua shook a finger at all of them, his eyes linger on Gon a little too long. "I don't want a fuss made about this, alright? And I hate talking about it. So just... pretend nothing is happening and I don't know Gon."

"Weird foreplay but okay," Kurapika said.

Killua twisted all the way around in his passenger seat to glare at Kurapika. "I fucking mean it. Call me a prude, but I hate talking about that shit. Alright?"

"Alright, fine," Kurapika said, raising his hands in surrender.

To Killua, he saw this as a clear sign for psychoanalysis. As if writing smut as a virgin wasn't telling enough, there was clearly some sexual deviant activity going on in Killua's psyche he'd rather be kept off the street.

Killua flopped back around and settled in for the rest of their ridiculous ride across town. He felt like he was living in his parents' basement again while his parents tasked Alluka to be his DD for the evening. It was humiliating.

At their building, Killua was the first out of the car and the first to the front door. Gon barely made it in time to catch the handle before it could shut.

"Hey, wait a minute," Gon said. "You should say goodbye to your sister."

"I'm not gonna fucking say goodbye to her. I'll probably be forced to see her Friday anyway," Killua said, bitterly, and jammed his thumb repeatedly over the up button on the elevator. He massaged his brow, irritated, and wished he'd slowed down enough to have a smoke out on the stoop.

"I'm sorry about tonight," Gon said. "I didn't... I mean, I can tell you're super uncomfortable by your friends and sister assuming..."

"Yeah, no shit," Killua said. He pressed two fingers to his lips, free arm curled defensively around his chest. The elevator dinged and they stepped inside.

In the awkward silence of the door refusing to close immediately as Killua hoped, Gon said, "If it makes you feel any better, I... do actually like you."

"That doesn't make me feel any better. In fact, that makes me feel like shit, thanks."

It was an unexpected spear to the chest. Gon rubbed at the wound, grimacing. He hoped Killua couldn't see his expression in the elevator door's wonky reflection.

Killua dropped his hand from his lips with a sigh. "It's not you. Honestly. And I know that sounds cliche but it's the truth. You'd probably make for an... excellent date."

Gon smiled, warmed by the idea. "We could go on an actual date then? If you want, I mean."

Killua grimaced.

Gon let his hope sink as the door opened to Killua's floor. When Killua didn't immediately leave, and the door nearly shut, Gon stuck his foot out to stop it.

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