File #4252 - Raid report

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Report on Armada bunker raid

Attempt No.2

Deemed: Success


A squadron of 132 men successfully infiltrated the Armada military grand bunker (AMGB). Recounts from recovered body cams have multiple sightings of the  red quadruped dubbed U-34276 (See file #4221 for further details) running along the white hallways.

Unit Hulk-0142's came into direct contact before an unknown object impaled his spinal column, KIA. Before visuals were lost the image to what higher ups classify as a lizard slightly larger than the average prairie horse. Bearing scales of varying reds. Common class call it a living dragon.

Along with what is now referred to as Dragon-003 was target Colin Anderson. Fleeing and harming multiple men on his path to escape. 

Target Zach Armada proved as problem as well. Successfully killing 24 men. Injuring 6 (Who went KIA in the cave in). 

He was deemed KIA before footage from a number of surviving troops were seen being killed by the same man we hoped dead. He escaped along with his Secretary. Target Nicolas Holt (See file #2437 for details). 

Word that Armada's council escaped as well. Retreating to the maintenance tunnel before our men could reach them. The tunnels are considered suicide to enter. As they are found with lines of turrets. 

However Armada has taken a big lose loosing the AMGB.

It shouldn't be long before the great Nation of Thorn can crush him.

The captain who was in charge was executed personally by Mr. Zixin himself for failing to carry out the priority task.


We have an elite team working to locate D-003 and target Anderson. Best evidence suggests they traveled westbound. Towards California.

The mission is to find and detain them.

Kill all who stand in the way.


-  Thorn Gen. John B. Angela

Glory to Zixin!


(Is this 'Angela' going to be important)

(Not sure)

(Most likely though)

(Good enough)

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