chapter 1 : Heartbreak on the terrace

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hope you all enjoy

It's a new kind of story

chapter 1 : Heartbreak on the terrace

Amidst the silvery glow of the moon, Emily found herself enveloped in a symphony of solitude, perched upon the terrace like a solitary queen surveying her fractured kingdom. The gentle breeze whispered secrets in her ear, carrying with it the melancholic echoes of lost dreams and shattered hopes. As she gazed into the night sky, each twinkling star seemed to mock her with its distant brilliance, a reminder of the vast expanse of loneliness that stretched out before her. Lost in her own thoughts, she scarcely noticed the figure that materialized from the shadows, a specter of ethereal beauty that captivated her senses with its otherworldly presence.

"Hello," the ghostly figure spoke, its voice a haunting melody that sent shivers down Emily's spine. "Do not be afraid, dear heart. I come to offer solace in your hour of need."

Startled yet intrigued, Emily turned to face the mysterious apparition, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "Who are you?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper, afraid that speaking too loudly might shatter the fragile illusion before her.

"I am but a whisper in the night, a specter of love lost and forgotten," the figure replied, its form shimmering faintly in the moonlight. "And you, dear Emily, are the keeper of my heart's deepest desires."

Emily's breath caught in her throat at the mention of her name, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and longing. "What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

The ghostly figure extended a translucent hand towards her, its touch as gentle as a breeze caressing her cheek. "I seek only to ease your suffering, to mend the wounds that haunt your soul," it whispered, its words a soothing balm to Emily's troubled mind. "Will you allow me to stay by your side, to offer you the comfort you so desperately crave?"

Torn between fear and longing, Emily hesitated for a moment before nodding her assent. "Yes," she replied softly, her voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the wind. "Yes, please stay."

Ghost loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें