Story/ Creepypasta

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I wake up in the middle of the night and hear an unhuman sound. It sounded like breathing but it also sounded suffocated. I feel a weird sucktion and wetness along my arm.

I open my eyes, terrified, and look over to my arm to see a skinny, pale, long haired blonde girl sucking on a cut on my arm that wasnt there before. I immediately start screaming for help, tugging on my arm and trying to pull it away from the girl.

She now realized I was awake and she looked up at me. Blood was covering her lips and teeth, her eyes were fairly normal size. My body was in shock, my eyes scanning her as I see shes just wearing a bloody white skirt and a dirty blue shirt with holes, no shoes. The insane look in her eyes gave me chills. Although she looked human, I knew she wasnt.

I hear the footsteps of my parents rushing to the sound of my scream. They push in the door.
"What happened?!" My mother panics. I wonder why shes not screaming. I look over to my arm and notice theres only a faint scar where the girl had been sucking, no blood, and the girl was gone.

"I- There was someone in the room." I stutter with horrified eyes.
"Someone? Who?" My dad asked, now confused on that theres nobody here now.
"I dont know!" I stumble over my words. My arm was stinging but it didnt hurt. "My arm hurts, can we just please go get it checked?" I ask quietly, hoping for a yes.
A soft scoff came from my dad but he rolled his eyes, "Fine."

Only a few minutes go by and were at the hospital.
"Everything seems fine," The doctor starts, then looks at my arm. "But that scar seems deep, do you know how you got it?" He asked, looking towards me.

I pause. "No," I simply say. "Well," He sighs and turns the computer screen to me, showing data.
"It might be the reason you lost 5 pints of blood. Im not sure how you're still conscious, but we'll have to do more tests and keep you for a few days before we know its safe to let you go back home, considering you have no idea where the scar came from." The doctor explains.

My parents were in shock. "I have to ask the parents to leave until your able to go home." The doctor says, he leads them out as I hear yelling and arguing from them, demanding an explanation.

I just sit there, staring at my arm and in shock.
Was it that girl that did this?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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