Girls Like Us

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I wish the time stone from the avengers universe was real,
I wish I could use it, I would have journey back in time and,

I would seek out that 5 year old girl, embracing her tightly as I whisper It is ok to cry, you are not weak, you have me,

I would eat lunch with that 10 year old and would tell her that you are not alone, I will be your friend whenever you need one,

I would assure that 15 year old girl, to not be afraid of pimple, your skin color, your height or weight, everything will turn out to be just fine,

I would encourage that 17 year old, to learn how to put on make up, it won't make you look like you are attracting people,

I would tell that 20 year old that, your career will not define your identity, do not let it become one, we are much more this,

I would validate that 22 year old that I am sorry you lost some people because of your unruly mouth, and but losing people are part of life, those who truly care will stay,

I would have, I would have told all of those girls to look in the mirror and love yourself,
just as I am doing the same to my reflection right now, as i stand Infront of a mirror talking to each of those girls, they all want different things and they were looking for those at places around them, 

I wish I can go back and erase those moments you were told that career, skin color, marriage, society, will determine your happiness and your choice determine theirs,
the truth is, the only thing that you ever needed was YOU! and you have YOU!

I wish I could explain them at least today that what you are looking for is inside of you, you have it, no one but you have it, find it, it is time to dig the treasure within yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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