Chapter one: Herald, the first zombie in space.

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 On a normal day on space colony sector 7, everyone was going about their regular duties and day and schedule, kids were playing for summer break, and the dome to the colony was shining at the top from the morning sun. "It's a new shuttle coming in, but I heard they had a couple of problems with some passengers on board this time, like one of them is a troublemaker or something." A colony security guard said to his partner as they both strolled through the park area of the colony dome where all the kids of the colony were playing and all the teenagers were hanging around at too. "Yea, they'll be here by 7 pm. Me and you have to be a part of that bring in team for this new batch of colony members, they're all newcomers to any space colony period, this new batch is all people the home resistance base on earth rescued and sent up here, so they're all going to have to be escorted to one of the refugee communities divided throughout the colonies sectors so they can get their selves acquainted to colony life as they have other refugees as direct neighbors as they spread out into the colony and intermingle with the people that have lived in the colony longer, and he'll them get more adjusted to colony life and how to survive." The other guard replied. Mr Thorstark, Mr Thorstark." One of the children said as he ran up to the first guard. "Hey Cindy, it's been 8 months since you joined the colony hasn't it?" The guard said back as kneeled down to come closer to her eye level. "Yes sir. And you were right, my dad did survive for the next shuttle to come to the colonies, he's been here for 4 months with us now!" Cindy said with her voice filled with, so much enjoy, love, and happiness all covered up with warmth. "Well that's good. So I take it you've been being a good girl for mom and dad right?" security guard Thorstark asked Cindy. "Yes sir I have." Cindy said smiling with a laugh. "Well than it's your lucky day, because we just came from the vending machine." Security guard Thorstark said as he took off his security guard book bag and reached into it, and pulled out a bag of snacks. "Here you go." Thorstark said S hd handed her the small bag of snack. "Thank you, Mr Thorstark." Cindy said as she smiled. "How is your wife and the refugee baby you and her adopted Mr Thorstark?" Cindy asked as she began to open the snacks. "They're doing fine Cindy, thank you for asking. Marshawn is crawling now." Security guard Thorstark replied. " That's good, well I'm going to go back to play with my friends Mr Thorstark, it was nice seeing you again. " Cindy said. "It was good seeing you too Cindy, here, here are more snacks you can take back and share with your friends." Security guard Thorstark said as he reached into his bag with more snacks and handed them to Cindy. "Ok, thank you, Mr Thorstark, I'm sure my friends will appreciate it, I'll tell them you and your friend here gave them to us." Cindy to security guard Thorstark with a smile on her face. Security guard Thorstark stood back up, he began to place his security guard backpack back in his back. And nod at Cindy with a dismissive smile. "Thank you! Have a blessed day Mr Thorstark! " Cindy yelled as she ran off to join back with her friends." Come in Tyrone, we have to finish our rounds before that shuttle gets here." Security guard Thorstark said to the second security guard. " Sure thing Charles." Tyrone said back in reply before they both walked off from the scene.

 Later that night Tyrone and Charles walked up to the docking bay number one area. "Thorstark, Ryukilik, the shuttle is docking now, there were several incidents on its flight here." And elder and higher ranking colon security guard said to them. "What's the situation commander Optimusmegatron?" Charles asked his commander. " Well one of the biggest worries right now, is a man that has been causing trouble the whole shuttle ride, when he got on, didn't show any symptoms of infection, but this morning he fell extremely sick. Medical team on board has not confirmed yet if he's sick with the zombie virus or not, he just passed out one minute ago at the same time I was on com link with them, he will have to be evaluated when we bring him inside." Commander Optimusmegatron, you heard that they should be finished with sector 8 in 5 hours?" Charles asked. "I did, which would make sector 8 be the second on ground Mars space colony, which makes us here at sector 7 the first on ground Mars colony, and officially the On ground Mars colonies headquarters. A second shuttle will come in 2 days that left soon after this shuttle from earth here with people from the earth colonies that are gonna be here to add improvements to sector 7 and make it a stronger and more productive colony. We're getting a dome expansion, droid and cyborg production room, more barracks, 5 more armories, a greenhouse dome, and a livestock center. The building of sector 8 was done with the help of the new nanobot technology that was developed here in our science labs which we will get more of and enhancements to too. Sector 8's Atmospheric generation technology became fully operational an hour ago, now all we have to do is wait for our science teams to conduct their studies on how well our atmospheric generation technology and sector 8's atmospheric generation technology is working together along with sector 6's atmospheric generation technology, to make the atmosphere of Mars to still keep it's natural and native atmospheric qualities, with addding into making the atmosphere of Mars more suitable for us to live outside the domes. Sectors 9, 10, 11, and twelve will all be done being constructed tomorrow. Sector 9 will be the third on ground Mars colony and sectors 10 and 11 will be the second and third orbital Mars colones after sector 6. The computer systems of all colonies are connected back to each other back at the earth colonies headquarters. This new nanobot technology that we have developed here at our sector, will help us continue to explore our and expand out deeper into space while we also rescue earth and take back earth from the zombie's." Commander Optimusmegatron said. " That makes you head of security of the Mars ground colonies headquarters than boss." Tyrone said. "Mars is under your protection sir. " Thorstark said to commander Optimusmegatron with a smirk on his face. "Correct, now heads up, they're docking." Commander Optimusmegatron said signalling to the docking bay. The docking mechanisms hissed as they shot out air as they activated and turned on. Gears whirred and locks unlocked and locked. Before long the docking bay doors opened up making another hissing sound of are shooting out as the doors opened up "Pilot, where is the sick passenge, soo we can take him to the medical center and get him checked out. " Commander Optimusmegatron said as he walked up to the pilot on the other side of the docking bay doors." You might wanna give up on that commander, you need to take him to your morgue, the man just flat lined." the pilot said shaking his head before he walked off. Ok, Thorstark, Ryukilik, get that body to the morgue and report back to us, immediately, we have to get these people settle in.” Commander Optimusmegatron ordered. "Yes sir." Tyrone and Charles said at the same time. "You know they're going to move the higher up and the rich and wealthy to the new sectors first, they're not tryna put no refugees and lower class into the new colonies. Maybe the lower class, but definitely not the refugees." Charles said. "Yea I know, but I can't do anything about it but do my job." Commander Optimusmegatron said. The medical team brought a man up to Tyrone and Charles on a stretcher. "What's this sorry and unlucky son if a bitches name?" Tyrone asked. UMM, Herald, Herald Hobdoomgoblin." A member of the shuttle's medical team said while looking at his chart and information before putting it back down. "Alright well let's take this sucker to the morgue." Charles said. Charles and Tyrone walked over to the stretcher and grabbed it and took off to the morgue. "You two, go check i. The rest of the passengers and shuttle crew." Commander Optimusmegatron told two more of sector I'd security team. " Yes sir! " The answered back and ran into the shuttle.

 As Tyrone and Charles reached the morgue, they met the head mortician. "This way gentleman.” the mortician answered. Tyrone and Charles followed the mortician to an autopay area and placed him onto the examination table. "We will inform you as soon as we find out the cause of death." The mortician said to Tyrone and Charles. "Good to know." Charles said before the two of them left out. "Now let's see, what made you die?" The mortician said to the dead corpse as he began to put on a pair of examination gloves.

  Four and a half hours later, the security team finally got done getting the passengers of the shuttle settled, registered to Sector 7's citizenship data records, and off of the shuttle getting them ready to be housed I to the refugee communities throughout Sector 7. "Thirty minutes until sector 8 is complete boys. y'all ready for the big changes that's gonna go on around here? ” Charles said to the other security team members. "I heard they were going to transfer a couple of us to sector 8. I don't want to go though." one security guard answered. "yea I heard that too Tommy." Tyrone replied. " Sector 8's main purpose is droid and cyborg production. It's first droids and cyborgs it will create and send out will be those if which that will explore the lands of Mars where we can't breathe right quite yet and gather information for us while also building Outpost for us." Commander Optimusmegatron said.

Meanwhile, back in the morgue, the mortician took a break examining the body of Herald Hobdoomgoblin, and a janitors was cleaning up during his regular scheduled rounds. The janitor had a pair of headphones on listening to music while he swept his broom through the room he looked at Herald's body as he swept past it. "Humph, I wonder what happened to that guy?" The janitor said as he continued his work. As the janitor passed the area that's Herald's body was, he took his dustpan and swept up the dirt into it, walked it to the trash can, and went back to his car with his cleaning equipment and get ready to pull out the mop set. A loud thud went through the room. Loud enough for the janitor to fairly hear it with his headphones on with the music playing. The janitor turned around to see where the sound came from and looked around. "What the fuck?" he muttered. He noticed Herald's body was no longer on the examination table and walked back over to the table confused on where the body mysteriously went. "Hey you guys better not be trying to play a prank in me like you did on Halloween!" The janitor yelled out. as he looked around and saw Herald's body no where to be found. The janitor shrugged his shoulders. "Ah fuck it, forget about it, let me mop this place up and get out of here, I don't wanna get behind schedule." The janitor said as he began to turn around. As soon as he did a full turn around, he was shocked to see what he saw, and froze in terror. It was Herald's body standing before him undead. "Holy shit!" The janitor said before the undead body of Herald grabbed him and took a bite of his neck. "Ahhhhhh!" The janitor screamed. The echo of his scream went throughout the morgue catching several peoples attention. The head mortician raced back to the examination room, and opened the door to see herald feasting in the janitors neck. "Somebody call security! I don't know how, but we have a zombie on our hands! Zombies have reached the space colonies. Herald Hobdoomgoblin is the first zombie in space!" the head mortician yelled. Heralds's zombie corpse stopped eating the janitor as the head mortician's yelling got his attention. the head mortician's eyes widened as Herald looked at him, and began to make his way towards him. "Oh, no." The head mortician said in a worried voice under his breath. He closed the door back and ran down the hall. As Herald got closer to the door, the body of the janitor began to rise back up zombified, and looked around the room and walked over to a dead body or another examination table and took a bite of its leg and began to chew in it's thigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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