Like Mother, Like Daughter

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An old rotting, decaying mansion stands in the middle of an overgrown, dark forest. This mansion was beautiful, the up-most quality of artisanry. Such a wonderful looking house cant have a dark backstory... right?

It is said that whoever sleeps but a night in this mansion could either live a lucky and fulfilled life, bound to find a soulmate perfect for them, and to fall into wealth, or... lead a life filled with terror and fear, always needing to doublecheck the mirror to make sure there isn't anything looking back at them, knowing something is following them but never knowing what...

The founder of this mansion, as much as her family was rich and respected, had an unpleasant life, her parents died by a forced suicide when she was young, she was sent to an orphanage, the orphanage never cared about the kids, they just cared about the money they were getting for running it. She watched as the other girls her age got adopted, she watched girls come then leave a few weeks after. She had gotten to the age where she couldnt stay, so they kicked her out. But that was the day her life changed, the day she had left, she met a man. A man that promised the world. Soon enough they had got engaged, her soon to be husband asked her what she wanted as a wedding gift. She wanted a mansion. So, he built her one, it was the most beautiful mansion you could have ever seen, so as soon as it was done, they moved into it. Right after they did so, she found out her soon to be husbands darkest secret, he had another life, he had other lives... he had families, just about a dozen of them, most with kids, some with kids on the way, he didn't know she knew, so she started pretending, pretending to over hm, pretending she didnt know anything, but one night, she had come in from a nightly stroll amongst the grounds, it had been all but a week since they had gotten married, she found him in their bed with another woman. From that point, she had had enough, enough pretending, enough empty love, enough of everything... she had lost her mind. All the memories of being abused in the orphanage, al the sleepless nights she had for weeks after finding out her husband was cheating on her, just kept repeating in her head like a broken record, replying over and over. She killed them. First, she stabbed her husband in the eye with a fountain pen she had grabbed off the writing desk when she came into the room, then stabbed his chest a few dozen times, crying she turns to the screaming mistress who had ran to the window trying to stay away from the woman who had just gone manic. Dead. She had been killed, suffocated in the silk curtain. The girl had nothing else to do but to hide the bodies, she went to the greenhouse and hid them there, she used whatever she could as compost for the vegetables and the bones were given to the dogs. She didnt regret it, she found an everlasting pleasure in it, how could she not? She had found a way to get back at the world for ruining her life.

So, she continued.

She had done it for years, but the pleasure has worn out, she still enjoyed it, just not as much, she didnt feel regret. But one night one dark clear night, something came over her. As it was a clear night, the moon was visible, but it was different, it was a blood moon. She could hear them, she could hear them screaming, crying, yelling out her name. It was the people she had murdered, the people she killed in cold blood. She could hear them... she ran out to her balcony, trying to escape the voices... they got louder, so loud that she couldnt hear herself think... so she didnt think, she jumped. She jumped of the balcony rolled off the roof and hit the ground killing herself, but she never knew, her parents did the exact same thing.

The HauntedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora