Chapter 7

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I was starting the dryer down in the basement when Zac came down, scaring the crap out of me. "Hey sis." Zac said, leaning against the door frame.

"Jesus, Zac," I said, jumping. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry. Hey, I have a question for you."

"What's up?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Why'd you do it? Two days ago you ran into the rain after hearing a sound and saved Herobrian when he was surrounded by mobs." Zac said, walking over.

"I...I don't know." I said, thinking back to that night. "Something deep inside me told me that I needed to go out there. I just listened."

Zac nodded, deep in though. "Cam, things around here are going to be changing, whether you like it or not and I need you to promise me that no matter what it is, you won't do anything stupid and you'll trust and listen whatever Herobrian tells you to do-"

"Zac, you're scaring me." I said, looking at my brother with slight fear in my eyes. "What-"

"Promise me, Cameron!" Zac said, gripping my shoulders.

I nodded. "I promise, Zac."

Zac seemed to relax, his shoulders dropping like weight had been lifted off them. "Thank you." He said, patting my shoulder.

Without another word, Zac went back upstairs, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Why had Zac seemed so nervous? He was acting like he knew what was going to happen.

Sighing, I made my way upstairs and found Herobrian leaning on the railing to the porch, seemingly enjoying the nice spring air. "Hey," I said, joining him.

"Hi." Herobrian replied, looking over to me.

I stood next to Herobrian, looking out at the town as they hit the busy part of the day. Seeing everyone look so carefree made me smile. I could almost imagine feeling their happiness and content from here.

"What are you feeling right now?" Herobrian asked, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Excuse me?" I asked, thinking I didn't hear him properly.

"What emotions are you feeling?" Herobrian asked again, his gaze still on me.

"Uhm," I said, thinking. "Well, I feel calm, happy, and content. Why?"

Herobrian shrugged. "Just curious."

"Okay." I said, shrugging. I looked back out at the forest when I had an idea. "Hey, what if I gave you a tour around town?"

Herobrian looked at me confused. "What?"

"What if I take you to town and give you a tour? So you get to see some new things." I said again.

"That sounds fun, but what about my eyes?" Herobrian asked. "It's not exactly easy to hide pure white eyes."

I stared at Herobrian, studying him. "Hmmm. I have an idea on how to fix that. Stay here."

I rushed back inside to Zac's room, scaring him as I opened his closet. "Please, come in." Zac said sarcastically. "What do you need?"

"Your baggy sweater with the hood. I'm taking Herobrian out to town and we've gotta hide his eyes." I said, neck deep in his closet.

"It's in my clean clothes basket. Just be careful, okay?" Zac said. "The tales of Herobrian aren't exactly good ones."

I nodded. "Thanks Zac."

"You're welcome. Now go have fun." Zac smiled.

I smiled back and rushed downstairs. "Here," I said, throwing the sweater at Herobrian. "We can use the hood to cover your eyes."

"Thanks." Herobrian said, pulling it on and flipping the hood up. "Now, don't we have a town to explore?"

I smirked. "C'mon."

I dragged Herobrian down the path to the town, unaware of Zac's eyes watching me, filled with sadness.


And here is Ch. 7!

Im trying a new schedule when it comes to updating so hopefully it'll work and my updates will become more frequent.

Yes, I do know I updated yesterday but I wanted to update again 😁
Also, in case anyone is confused, Cameron had woken up while Herobrian and Zac were talking on the porch which is why she was awake in this chapter and unconscious in the last one.

Anyway, thank you all for reading this and I hope you have a blessed day/night!

Word count: 696


The Goddess of Emotion (Herobrian x Reader) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now