Level "Where are we?"

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Level "Where are we?" Can be accessed by level 6. This level can also be accessed by reality, although its harder than levels, 1, 2, and 3.
When you enter this level you will be in a foggy, wet parking lot and a brick building with a big window, yellow light shining through. You cannot see past the fog. There is a fence surrounding the building which you cannot pass, if you noclip out the fence you will be sent to level "You Cheated" which you cannot escape. You are able to enter the building, when you do, there is occasional flickering of the yellow lights. It is similar to a classroom but slightly bigger. There will be a few desks, some up and some knocked over. The teachers desk is empty with only a chair behind it. A huge chalkboard will cover most of the wall infront of the teachers desk, the chalkboard is not helpful in any way. After a certain amount of time in the level there will be entities. They are harmless. They are called "Right Walkers", coming in groups of 5 to 20, the spawn is completely random. They look similar to skin walkers. Their bones slightly sticking out their thin pale skin and no face, but a head. They are very nice, and they make certain noises to determine their emotions. A croak sound, similar to a Clicker Zombie, this sound represents starvation or dehydration, which is very rare since they produce their own food. The only way they will make this noise if you harm their abdomen. A purr noise means content or tamed. If you tamed this entity it will follow you to every level and provide you with necessities and will also protect you. There will be multiple that spawn, so its better if you tame more than one. If you do tame Right Walker(s), you can name them or possibly teach them some of your native language. In this level, it is also possible to have human interaction. If there is already another human in level "Where are we?" than it is neary impossible. Its possible by a 0.06%, there is only 2 reports of another human interaction. There are occasional spawns of pillows. It is a randomized number of spawn and where. It can spawn anywhere and in any number. There is one catch, never touch the green pillow. The color green is usual to represent "Good" or "Exit", this is opposite. If you do touch it all entities will turn on you. The Right Walkers will pounce on you and appear taller than usual. The humans will do the same. They will attack you with the Right Walkers until your death. So DONT touch the green pillow. Another thing about Right Walkers is that they can trade, only if they come in a group of 11. They can trade things from filtered water to poisoned water. If you drink the poisoned water you will become one with the Right Walkers with no escape from the level. There are two ways to escape this level. One, noclipping, two, the door. Noclipping is extremely rare, a 3% chance by glitching through a white patch in the chalkboard which cannot be made with chalk. Another way is also occasional. At any time a white glowing door can appear outside. There is a timer above it with 24 seconds counting down, if you dont make it through the door in time, it will disappear. So its a hit or miss on escaping this level. If you do happen to make it, you will be lead to level 12, 13, or possibly back to level 0. Level "Where are we?" Is almost completely safe. Its secure with minimal entities. This level is a 99.999% chance of survival.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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