Meet The Monsters (PROLOGUE)

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*Mammott looks at the screen*

Mammott: Oh! Hi, human! My name's Mammott, and our hobby is singing! That's pretty much it...

Toe Jammer: Hello! My name is Toe Jammer!

Mammott: I forgot you existed.

Toe Jammer: Eh?

Mammott: Nothing! :D

Toe Jammer: OK...? Anyways... there are a lot of us. There are... hundreds of us...

Mammott: Yeah.

Punkleton: BOO!!

Mammott and Toe Jammer: AH!

Punkleton: Hahaha! Did I scare you?

Toe Jammer: Did it LOOK LIKE YOU SCARED US?!-

Punkleton: I'll take that as a yes.

Toe Jammer: *SPEECHLESS* I-

PomPom: Hey, guys!


Mammott: Hi, PomPom! What's up?

PomPom: I was expecting to get a... jovial... greeting.

Toe Jammer: \_'U^U'_/

Punkleton: What're you doing, jello boy?

Toe Jammer: I'm praying for your flesh to get ahold of you.

Punkleton: I'm just bones!

Mammott: Isn't that what Toe Jammer said?

Punkleton: ...?

PomPom: You know I'm still here, right?

Mammott: AH! HOW LONG-

PomPom: 15 minutes or so.

Mammott: I was going to ask, "How long have you kept your eyes open?"

PomPom: 15 minutes.

Mammott: '_'

Tweedle: Chirp chirp chirp (HELP ME!)


Tweedle: I did not expect that to be so quick...

Toe Jammer: The real response is... how did Mammott understand that chirruping?

Punkleton: The prologue is too long... Imma just...


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