💖Chapter 3💞

141 4 4

Here's your first meal <3


(Moon's POV)

The daycare had closed a bit ago, and I'd finished all the paperwork and shutting down the daycare, which meant I had some free time before Sun saw to it that the daycare was clean. It wouldn't take too long, since he had both Bloody and Lunar helping him.

So now I was in Sun and I's room, the lights off. I was laying on my back on our bed, arms propping my head up as a pillow as I stared blankly at the ceiling. I crossed a leg over the other, letting my mind wander for a bit. Of course, I defaulted to thinking about Sun. I smiled.

He had such a pretty smile..And those gorgeous blue eyes...The way his laughter rang like a bell...Faz, he was perfect..

I sighed and melted into the bed, glancing around the room. It was a bit messy, which was ironical since Sun was pretty much a neat freak when it came to the daycare, but couldn't care less if the bedding was falling onto the floor or if there were papers strewn all over the place.

While I let my eyes glance around the room, my eyes lingered on the bag on the floor. The bag with all the sex toys Sun and I had picked out at that store. It'd be a week since then, and they were just laying there, untouched. It felt like a waste.

So, what did I do? I got up from the bed and strode over to the bag, crouching down to look inside at its contents. Blah blah, vibrator, condoms, lube, ball-gag, not important. We didn't really need condoms, but we had them so we could have "personal fun" without making a huge mess. I dug down into the bag and pulled out a harness, a collar and leash, and a couple of straps. Were these for bondage or something? I don't remember buying these; Sun must've snuck them into the basket while I wasn't looking. No wonder he was so insistent on paying.

I set the straps and stuff aside and kept rummaging. Oh cool, Viagra gummies. Or rather "Fun Candy", as it's advertised. Wait- Why the Hell does Viagra work on us but the Sundrop/Moondrop candies don't??? Or any other "human" medicine??
..Anyways, I found a couple of dildos in various sizes and a thruster, figuring that's what they went to.

I laid out the toys on the ground, trying to figure out what to make of them.

"I should put these away somewhere-" I mumbled to myself, scooping up the toys and going over to my nightstand. I opened the lowest drawer and dumped them inside, closing the drawer after.

I sighed and flopped back onto the bed, wondering when we'd even use them. It was pretty rare that Sun and I ever "made love", since Sun didn't really have a high sex drive. He was happy just cuddling and living together in the daycare, y'know, domestic things. 

But that got a little boring after a while. I liked to spice things up, y'know? Thankfully, Sun was usually happy to go along with my wants and needs, even if he got tired out quickly.

I had to wonder: How would we use those toys? I mean, of course I know how they work, but how could I add them into our little "fun times"?

Maybe I could use that gag on him? Or use those straps and that collar/leash combo, since he obviously was interested in that?
My eyes went half-lidded at my imagination.

I breathed a low growl, unbidden. I quite liked the ideas going through my head. The many ways I could manhandle Sun and make him squirm and plead...Fuck it was hot-

I rubbed my thighs together and felt my face heat up slightly as my imagination ran wild. Running a hand down my chest, my breath hitched as I played with the rim of my pants' waistband.
Sun wouldn't be up in a bit, right? And it's not like I'd get in trouble if he walked in on me...

I slipped my hand into my pants and breathed a soft groan as it brushed against my member. It writhed and wrapped around my wrist, seeking attention.
(A/N: Lol tenta-cock ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ)

I grasped it and placed a hand over my mouth to muffle my moan as I gave it a light squeeze. Hips rising into the touch, I started to rub myself up and down, slowly at first.

"Fuck- Sun.." I groaned quietly, closing my eyes as I imagined Sun was the one touching me. His soft hands working their magic on me, stroking ever so delicately...

I used my thumb to add pressure to the tip, hips jerking up as I moaned out. "Fuck-!" Gotta be quiet. I bit down on my finger as I stroked myself faster, hips pressing hard into the mattress to keep from bucking.

My hips twitched and my member coiled around my hand, throbbing and wriggling at the attention. I couldn't help but thrust my hips forward into my hand, unable to keep still anymore. My other hand covered my mouth in a desperate attempt to silence my noises, barely muffling them.

"Sun-..shine-..fuck..~...Su-SunnNnYYy~!!" I gasped and suddenly arched my back as I came, crying out in pleasure. I roughly jerked myself through the orgasm, gasping for air. I pulled my hand away once I was finished and went limp against the bed, panting.

Ugh- Now my pants were all gross and sticky- I made a face, quickly kicking them off and onto the floor. I shivered at the cold, but tolerated it, too exhausted to get up.

I didn't have much time to relax, though. My attention snapped over to the now-opening door, quickly sitting up and grabbing a blanket to cover myself with.

"Moony~!!" Sun called in a sing-song voice, "The daycare is clean! So-" He paused as he saw me staring at him with wide eyes and a flushed face, hat askew and a blanket pulled haphazardly over my body.

"...Are you okay-?" He looked worried, until he saw my pants lying rumpled up on the floor, a wet stain at the front of them. An orange blush dusted his cheeks, mumbling a quiet "Oh-.."

He stared at them for a moment, before he finally looked up at me, our gazes locking together. I decided to try to play it cool, despite the red-hot embarrassment burning at my face.
"Wanna join me, Sunshine~?" I purred, leaning back and propping myself up with my elbows, "It's about tie we try out those new toys of ours, anyways..~" I beckoned him closer with a finger.



Haha cliffhanger 7v7

Don't forget to vote! <3


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