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Clarissa was getting ready to go to a party, a girl from her class invited her, she was turning 18 and they wanted to celebrate at a bar.
Perfect- clarissa thought. She hated going to bars but of course she wouldn't decline the invitation, so she gathered all her strength and went. She got the bus to arrive there not wanting to get her grandma into this.

Clarissa grow up with only her grandma, her parents,big lawyers, traveled all around the world and couldn't raise her. They visited every holiday for 5 days maximum.
She didn't mind though, her grandma was everything she needed and gave her everything she wanted. She had a happy childhood and grew up to be a coquette lady dressing always with her grandma's clothes and styling them with unique jewelry and perfumes.

People called her sometimes weird but she didn't even bother to care. She was a daisy fresh girl always carrying a book and picking flowers from everywhere she went. Clarissa was the definition of an old soul. She didn't have her dad's last name as her grandmother insisted on getting her's. That's were beaulieu comes from.

When she entered the bar all the smoke and smell of alcohol caught up with her and she immediately wanted to leave. She decided then to ordere a coke, it was pretty dark and she couldn't see very clear, something that seemed like a blonde woman was behind the bar and clarissa tried to get her attention but the music was too loud and the fact that her voice wasn't really high pitched didn't help. After some time waiting the woman came closer to clarissa's face and clarissa was met with two icy blue eyes and dark red lips staring at her. "What can I get you?" The blonde said with a deep voice that made her shiver.

"A regular coke please" she said but the woman didn't seem to hear her.

"Speak up sweetheart I can't hear ya"
Clarissa repeated again this time louder and the blonde burst out laughing with a velvety tone.

"Oh honey you're at a bar you sure you don't want a cocktail or anything?"

Clarissa got confused at the question but then supposed the other woman didn't noticed she was under aged cause of the lights.

"No thanks I'm fine with the coke"
She said this time at the right tone.

"Coming right up sweetheart"
This time clarissa blushed at the blonde using the word sweetheart.

She got her coke and sipped it looking at all the people dancing at the middle with all those crazy lights on them. Other groups were smoking at the corners and some couples were making out here and there.

Clarissa got bored and decided to leave. She hadn't noticed the blonde woman staring at her all the time she was there but when she tried to leave the blonde followed her outside and stopped her.

"Hey beautiful, where are you going?"

Clarissa turned around only to face the bartender from earlier. Now she could see her clearly and she noticed how much taller she was, the tons of jewelry she was wearing and the velvet suit that hugged perfectly her body and exposed her cleavage.

Clarissa stared at her for a little taking in all her beauty. She was truly divine.

"I was about to leave.."
Clarissa said in a soft tone

"but the party just begin..I'm Lou by the way, owner of this bar"

Why was this lou talking to me?- Clarissa thought but her mind cleared when the blonde came closer and tucked one of her brown locks behind her ear.

"I-i am sorry Im not a big fun of bars..I mean..your bar is nice it's just me that I can't stand all this noise.." Clarissa mumbled while she was looking up to lou who was staring at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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