☆Chapter 7 : Father's Rage☆

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ASHLEY in her secret collections place......

She is crying, her tears are falling. She grabs all the things she collected in shipwrecks and places fastly into the bags in panic.

She doesn't want to be here. She wants to go away from here, somewhere far away from this world!!

She goes to the statue of a man and bends down to lift I up but then she hears her sister "Ashley!!?? Ashley!!?!!"

Ashley comes back up and looks around for Ariel. Ariel enters their secret place and Ariel says "There you are!!"

Ariel sees Ashley holding a bag and she frowns. She glances at her sister and ask "Ashley, What are you doing!?? Are you ok??"

Ashley just shake her head and turns towards her work. She just mutters "Don't worry, I'm okay!"

Ariel keeps on staring at her and observing her. Ashley without turning ,stares into a distance and says "Ariel stop looking at me and give me a hand!!"

Ariel then says "Oh!! Yeah, sorry!!" Ariel then goes towards her sister and bend down to lift that statue but then....

"Well, Well, so...." Their father Triton says in a sarcastic and cold tone.

Ashley whips her head while Ariel just widen her eyes in shock without turning her head.

"So, you both broke the rules.." Triton says looking at his daughter's.

"Yes, we did!! So what??" Ashley growls.

"Mind your tongue Ashley!!!" Triton yells loudly.

Ashley flinched at his tone while Ariel turns around and looks at his father with a guilty face.

"Father!! I'm sorry, we're sorry, we di-" Ariel says with a scared tone.

"I did not complete yet" He says in an demanding tone.

He continues "You went to the above world.." He looked at Ashley but as expected she just stared away from him not wanting to answer.

Triton moved his glare at Ariel and she started breathing heavily with nervousness. She started saying "There was a shipwreck! 2 mens were drowning!! We had to save them.."

He comes near them saying "You both should have left them drown then! They are savages"

"No they aren't! Stop talking about them when u don't know!! you hate them right?? So it's better that 'U' don't say anything related to humans!!" Ashley says showing her index finger to her father.

He's father clenches his jaw in anger and says "How dare you speak to me like that?? How dare you speak to the Sea King like that??"

Tears forms in Ashley's eyes. Triton sees it and soften his eyes. He goes towards her and say "They killed your mother, Ashley"

Ariel comes in and says "We know!! But... one man did!! Why blame every human?? Mother wouldn't!!"

Triton shows his palm to her to stop and says "Enough. Thats Enough!!"

"Eric and Stefan had nothing to do with it!!" Ariel says and Ashley widens her eyes. She pulls her sister and glares at her. Ariel looks down.

"Eric?? Stefan??" Triton asks in disbelief.

He swims nearer to them and lock his eyes with them and say "Have you both lost your senses completely??"

"If you would have just heard them father!! They both are kind, passionate, and-" Triton interrupts

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