Live Life To The Full

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How to start a book i have no answers so i will just write it as it comes to me . Its all true so i want it to read as if im telling someone in the eyes . But my grammar is not atall good and as for spellings and punctuation well .My day dreaming at school (as u will read in this book ) was consisting of talking to spirits sometimes out loud or in my head lol . Feeling the energies of the world and making life long friends:) . I'AM just a soul full of energy on a planetary device searching for like minded souls to share love and joy and happiness and above all to enjoy the good and bad experiences . And to further our intelligence on this planet and try to live in harmony with OUR planet  the universe & the human race . Psychically Still to this day i can look at a person and see a flash of there life and know if there depressed angry happy in or love suicidal ect but anyway here it goes .
I was about 3/4 years old Sitting in the back of my mum n dads car facing out of the boot with Debbie Mortlock and my sister. We would go on long journeys or go to the beach or on hols camping to cornwall . All the way being in the boot . Health and safety wasn't really around as much as it is today . We would drive along and stick our thumbs up to people out of the back window. If people did it back we would cheer and wave . If they didn't we would do a thumbs down and pull funny faces . We went to the Isle of Wight one day as we always did every 6 weeks to see my grandmar or sometimes go on hols there .my Grandmar lived in a big cottage style house very old and loads of rooms and secret cupboards  and nooks and crannies but more about that later. Just outside her house in the garden my uncle had built his own house with a swimming pool . I remember all the family there and me and my sister and cousins playing . I can't remember if it was my brother or my Dad that accidentally knocked me in to my uncle bernards swimming pool . I remember floating down to the bottom and on the way Debbie was next to me saying it's going to be ok don't worry it's going to be ok don't worry. Then as i looked up to the surface of the water I could see blured figures and then my brother dive in and pull me up . As i looked back i knew then Debbie was a spirit.
From that moment on I knew there was something slightly different about me. All Time I was growing up I felt something different about the world than everybody else does. But it wasn't easy for me to understand how I could see things different than other people. Now I'm not saying at this stage of my life was like sixth sense I could sense ghosts and spirits and energies but I couldn't see them as clear as people. I would say to my family about seeing other people/spirits and they would tell me they weren't there. Eventually by age 6 i believed them so much that i couldn't see anything any more but I knew there was something more to life than what everybody else was saying & doing.
But however you could guarantee that when I was left on my own I would hear voices and noises and I would feel people & energies When I was trying to go to sleep. Im always deep i live life like that 24/7 . Conversations 3/4 days ago constantly roll around in my head and the only way to stopping it is constantly meditating. U call this worry i call it mindless energy. If you Live in the Present it goes for a while  . But telling that to a  six-year-old boy isn't available because I have only found that out in the last couple of years . My dad worked at the local hospital and couldn't take the holidays in the summer holidays and half term when the school said we would have to have our holidays. So my mum and dad spoke to the local church of England school. And explain to them about the holiday situation so I left the school I was out and went to the C of E school.
My parents said I could actually go to the school and look at it 1st to make sure it was okay for me . The day I went there was the day I fall this is the school for me everyone seemed happier everyone seemed nicer and all the teachers Seemed more relaxed. The day I started the school I made lots of friends and best of all in their music department was a drum kit and loads and loads of musical instruments. Instantly I knew there was a better energy about this school then my old one. The building was Victorian and very old even to this day it has boys and girls on the front of the school where the classes used to be separated into male and female. As well as going to this school and learning all about the Bible . When my grandma would come to stay she would take me to Sunday school. The Sunday school would let us do colouring and learn different things to that we learn at school. I would ask lots of different questions because of a lot of different things would vary if Adam and Eve were the first things on the earth why where dinosaurs and if God was our only god why did the Egyptians have different gods. And if we could fly to the moon why couldn't we go to heaven . Now ever since I have been to years old I have been able to remember my childhood. So well that when my mum says how do you remember that you can't remember that I can. I even remember my uncle making home-made caramel toffee when I was two years old. I have always asked a lot of questions when I was little I remember saying to my dad why are there clouds in the sky and my mum said they are just cotton wool and I said no I want the real answer I want to know exactly what they are made of . I think from that moment on my dad knew I was slightly different so he explain to me when you boil the kettle and steam comes off that is water vapour that is the same sort of things the clouds are made of. Thinking back in a roundabout way that was probably the best explanation to give to a child :) . From then on my dad was very truthful when I asked questions if he didn't know he would try and find out and look through a thesaurus. to you young readers that is like Google but in book form . As you can guess by now I knew about evolution and it didn't make sense for the world to be created in seven days . As I got older I question my history and what I was told and I wanted to find out what the world is really about . At about age 16 I left school and started working . I loved money I loved it I loved say been there and I loved spending it but most of all I love the way you could do most things with money. I worked as many hours as I could so I could have as much money as I could so I could try and see the world . get lots of answers to my questions but not many people knew the answers to. The questions were always there but I would put them to the back of my mind and do day-to-day things like ride to work work all day then ride home spend a bit time with my friends then go to bed ready for work the next day.
I went through numerous jobs earning not good money but was happy in life. Still all the time in the back of my head was the questions on what I had learned about myself through the years. By now I was reading lots of books about the SAS and the one that got away bravo 20 and I was enjoying reading. When I turned 18 I went to the local pub and I would do the general knowledge quizs. Many of times they would be questions about the bible and history and I wouldn't really know the answers to. so I decided to read the Bible but actually read it like a book and not read it in a religious way and I was quite surprised to find that Adam and Eve were actually quarter of the way through the Bible. Straightaway I realise that what I had learned when I was little and I had questioned was true to question. Now I am not saying I don't believe in Jesus and I am not saying I don't believe in God but I am just saying the Bible is wrong. if you interpret something through many languages and leave out many of the things that people wrote just so it seems someone is better than what they are then people are going to conflict. Because of the Bible there is now a measure of time which is called a year. pope Constantine wrote the Bible and put in Psalms that he thought would be beneficial for religion. only just in the last 50 to 100 years have we realised that there was a lot more that could've been put in A lot more. now I promise you I am no expert but you have got to admit that 24h x 7 x 52 = a year is very impressive. It coincides with all of our seasons the Star consolations and each solstice day. Straightaway that tells me this man is cleverer than me lol . Now I haven't wrote all this to slander the Bible or to promote myself or to promote any religion you think I have .
Not that I have a religion I do believe there is some kind of energy and or energetic entity . literally I have  just been searching for answers. I have worked out why aliens come to our planet I have worked out why ghosts and spirits Stay on Earth's planes and why people feel spirits and choose choices they never thought they would make.. Have you ever heard of human combustion have you ever heard of stigmata. These are physical things that happened to humans and none of us know why. Think of the endless thousands of people that have reported being abducted by aliens. Think of the many thousands of people that have reported things like Bigfoot the Lochness monster the kraken . Only just to 400 years ago humans used to use magic they would believe in fairies and the elementals. There is scientific proof that there used to be Giants . and there is endless amount of footage that shows aliens exist but it's always trying to be covered up. Personally and I will explain later the reason why they just want to help others.
I am still trying to develop my psychic skills to this very day but I find it is very hard finding out things about how humans work when every human is different.
Trying to explain psychic capability to someone who doesn't want to know is very hard but trying to explain psychic capability to someone that is interested is a lot different. If the government was going to try and explain to people how Aliens were here to help us people wouldn't understand. So I think gradually they are releasing the information into the world. To put it another way I think we are Multi-dimensional energies  in a universe & aliens are the advanced beings we humans are striving to be like . Now the hard bit explain in all of this in a way that everyone will understand it has taken me 37 years to work out what I know and to explain it all in one book is going to be very hard. But the good thing is someone like me is trying to let people know how the energies work within our world that we live in. It is so easy to do and easy to see.
Firstly people forget we are living on a planet in space that turns around and it takes 24 hours and that is a day . But really the sun is always shining it doesn't ever go dark it is just the planet going light and dark night and day with every revolution. How many people a day stop and look to the sky look at the sun and think to themselves where is this planet heading/why are we here/what has happened before/what will happen in the future/what is the purpose of life. Maybe this is a question that you might of thought of before. Maybe some of you are lucky enough to know some of the answers already. Like me I have known some of the answers for many years about six but as normal we always ask ourselves questions and confirm things before our beliefs change.
A lot of people worry about the future and worry that their family will not have the experiences & things they want for them to. for me I know that those things are gonna happen anyway so there is no point in worrying about them. Just deal with the situation when its here it is possible to control your future it is hard thing to tell you it is easier to show you and hopefully I will be able to through this book. Unlike some other books where they reel off things for you to believe what they can do what they say they can do and they use other people as examples . I am an energetic spiritual psychic normal human being and any person can do the things that psychics do . I just hope you believe what I am saying in the first place otherwise you wouldn't of picked up this book. There are lots and lots of questions that even scientist can't prove to this day if you look at anything under a mmicroscope it is just atoms microns and neutrons nothing is solid . even scientist bang their heads against the wall sometimes when we think something is going to happen A certain way but it doesn't. This is why scientists have created the Hydron Collider in Sweden . They are hoping to recreate the big bang . If you're like me and amazed by space and stuff you will know this already I'm sure. Going off track for a second I think that space and the universe is one of the most amazing things in the world second two EARTH. And I think that is why we attract lots of visitors as in aliens and UFOs. Because they know how precious it is as well. But anyway where was I oh yes The Hydron Collider. they have found when they create the explosions it gives off particles called neutrinos. These neutrinos can shoot from one space in time to another within a milli second and it baffles scientist. I am telling you this because I am going to give you examples later on.
Life for me is full of wonder I think it's an amazing place and to think we are the top species running the worlds goings on is a gift . Thats how i see it for instance if u were given a house (security) and a garden (freedom) you would be estatic. U would invite ur friends make friends with your neighbours. Try and fit in with the community at social events. So why is human natures normally civil and loving but when it comes to religion or politics there is WARS . I think that SECURITY & FREEDOM is an old world . I cant leave my doors unlocked or leave belongings outside or even go on the internet without a password. The world isn't as safe as we all hoped probably most of u has been robbed or burgled or know of someone who has .

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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