Chapter 19- You Don't Understand My Pain

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There's something very shocking that happens in this chapter. Identity reveal? Make sure that you read "Short" Chapter #2 to see what I'm getting at

Let's get on with the show! heheh

Also I finally mention Jay and Garmadon is there, it's just that I forget to give him any dialouge.

Lloyd slowly opened his eyes. He had no idea where he was... until he remembered. He was in the Shadow Dojo, currently hanging from the ceiling. Lloyd sighed. He was getting deja vu from the Overlord's last attack, and hopefully last.

He had a vision, again. Only this time there weren't intense flashes of light. He was in an unknown place with a gate behind him and a shadow doing a weird version of spinjitzu. It wasn't like Arin's half- spinjitzu, Lloyd could tell that it was more powerful than his, but of equal power that was equivalent to his Spinjitzu. It was darker, not colors of creation surrounding the person. The "spinjitzu" had a combination of eerie blood red, dark violet highlights, and the coldest, darkest black swirling around. His vision had ended with him getting hit by the spinjitzu thing, but not before seeing eerie, somewhat familiar bright blue eyes staring back at him saying, "I won't come back. I can't."

Lloyd's head swirled with a million thoughts as the chains around him swirled around briskly; now Lloyd was starting to get nauseous. But to him, the mysterious voice kind of sounded like Jay. Was that a sign that the Ninja would see Jay again, and soon? Then what did Jay mean by "I won't come back"? Did something happen? Why did Lloyd see Jay with a villain? Had they lost their Ninja friend for good? Lloyd hoped not. As annoying and loud Jay was, it seemed unbearable to lose him, and Jay was also Nya's yin. They could never catch a break, and then the Merge happened, and they were separated once more. Being pinned down against your friend was always hard, almost unbearable. But, could Lloyd's visions really be trusted?

Lloyd heard inaudible yelling from another room and a loud thud. Then he heard stomping coming towards the room, so he quickly pretended to be unconscious. Everyone else was already up, so they did the same. Riyu flipped over onto his back, apparently in a sleeping position.

The person who came through the doors was the Dragon King, who was on the verge of tears. He was shaking as he tried to hold back the tears. His hair was a mess, and so was his cape. The Dragon King also had another scar on his face, two little marks that Lloyd didn't see before. "How can he think that I want to do this?" he said shakily as he fell to the floor on his knees. "No, I don't. I want to be free. Not a stupid pawn in his game. Because that ruined my life, for good."

Lloyd noticed that the Dragon King looked more unstable than usual. He was showing his true colors, who he really was. The Dragon King wasn't a ruthless person, more just like a puppet being controlled by the strings, trying to escape.

He then stopped having a mental breakdown, looked around, and left the room. Everyone turned to look at each other to assess what just happened. "Someone's got issues," Kai bluntly stated. But Lloyd simply thought that maybe the Dragon King was just broken. Maybe an event in his life changed him. "Also, Lloyd, are you good?" Grace asked as she sat in a prison high above the ground. "It looked like you were having a vision or something." Lloyd nodded. He didn't want to discuss his vision. He didn't want to worry anyone. Especially Nya. Then they heard someone approach the room, only this time it was a cascade of steps, indicating multiple people. The doors burst open to show Ras, Cinder, Jordana, and the Dragon King. Everyone pretended that they didn't just recently hear the Dragon King have a breakdown, and tried to act innocent.

"What do we need to do?" Cinder asked as the group of them walked through the room of imprisoned ninja. "Apparently activate the, you know, things," Jordana replied with a hint of disgust in her voice as she leaned over poor Riyu, who was very furious. Ras and the Dragon King walked by,noticing a keycard in Ras' pocket. Grace gave a look to Nya, who then silently passed the message along without making a noise.

Grace cleared her throat very loudly, getting the attention of Ras and the Dragon King. "What?" Ras said frustrated as he and his master got up on a floating platform to reach Grace's cell. "Well, I want to know why I am the only one high up, huh?" Grace started as she leaned towards the Dragon King through her prison. "What, am I the damsel in distress? Waiting for my hero to save me?" Grace taunted. Ras let out a low growl. "Shut up, you imbecile girl," Ras spat. Grace let out a dramatic gasp. " How dare you say that to me? You should shut up, furry."

"Stop," the Dragon King commanded Ras. "She's just trying to get you going." The two of them along with Cinder and Jordana left the room, thundering with their steps.

"Psst, hey Grace," Kai started. "Didja get the key?" Grace nodded as she held up a key card that she swapped from a furious Lord Ras. She managed to open her prison (I don't even know how it works anymore) and hopped down to start and free the rest of the Ninja. Soon, all of the Ninja were free as Grace got Lloyd down from his binding chains. "Thanks," Lloyd said with a smile, slightly blushing. "No problem," Grace replied as her eyes locked with his, also slightly blushing. Then Kai gave a look of disapproval to Grace where Lloyd couldn't see and Grace stopped looking at Lloyd, and turned to look in another direction. "So should we see where the Source Dragons are?" Arin asked as he gave Riyu a big hug, trying to not fall over. "I think they might be near us," Sora responded as she also squeezed the goofy goober known as Riyu. "They probably kept the Source Dragons close by."

But not shortly after they snooped around where they caught, none other by the Dragon King and his goons. "You won't get far," The Dragon King snapped coldly as he trapped all of the Ninja except for Lloyd in an impenetrable mirror prison. Ras, Cinder, and Jordana went to take the other Ninja to another room, leaving the Dragon King and Lloyd alone.

But something snapped in Lloyd, his blood boiling inside of him. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" he hollered as the Oni in him took over. The Dragon King showed no emotion towards him. Lloyd realized what was happening and quickly shut the oni inside, the monster inside of him. "You know," the Dragon King started. "I'm pretty sure you wonder who I really am, behind the mask." Lloyd nodded quietly, although he didn't seem to be wearing a visible mask. The Dragon King's eyes and expression softened and his purple scar went away. "Well, my name is," he started.

"My real name is Levi."


Those of you who read the last chapter and the holiday chapter a while back should know who Levi is. I'll leave you to spiral in a swirl of thoughts. Because I may or may not respond to your questions bc I am busy :D

Anyjays I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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