chapter 1 the big news

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Twilight gathered all her friends at the Golden oak library to tell them the big news! She couldn't hardly wait.

Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy all ran in as fast as they could, wondering what was going on.

What is the big news darling! I'm dying to know! Rarity said excitedly. Yeah what's the news? Rainbow said confused.

Well I gathered you all here to tell you that me and Flash are getting married! Isn't it exciting!

Pinkies eyes widened. TWILIGHT, IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Pinkie said excitedly running up to her hugging her. Pinkie I- can't- breathe... twilight said gasping for air.

Oh, sorry twilight! Pinkie said smiling. I can't wait for the pretty decorations! Oh oh and the party cannons so we can partayyyy! And!

Alright Pinkie, we know! Rainbow said rolling her eyes. Anyway... we are so happy for you sugarcube! Applejack said smiling.

Twilight smiled and hugged all her friends. Well I was gonna ask you all if you wanted to be my bridesmaids!

Yayyyyyy! Pinkie said squealing. Fluttershy smiled, it would be an honor to be your bridesmaid twilight.

Rainbow sighed, my dress better be cool! I don't want none of that girly stuff! Rarity rolled her eyes.

Now Rainbow I'm not having you walk down the aisle in some old dress! I'll design all the dresses for us!

Ummm Rarity... isn't twilight supossed to pick the dresses out? She said raising an eyebrow. Ummm of course! Rarity said embarrassed.

Well that's fine if you design the dresses Rarity! But the color I want them to be is purple!

Oh yes darling I can do that! Rarity said smiling. They all laughed and hugged twilight once more before going about their day.

a flashlight wedding💜💙Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora