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It was the first day of School August 6, 2022, 7:13 am.  The nervous yet excited feeling of coming back to school lingered all over me. Many thoughts occupied my head as i walked up the stairs in our supposed Classroom. Once I arrived inside the classroom not much people have arrived yet, there were 4 people in the room. Some of them i recognized from online class in grade 8th and 7th. Straight and below the shoulder hair length with a pink headband that doesn't seem to cover her bangs, Brown eyes and looks Intelligent, I recognize her as our first honor during online class and if I remember correctly her name was Leila. She was talking to a girl with shoulder length and a bit of a wavy hair, Beautiful Brown eyes and that seems to shine as she smiled and laughed. I was seemed to be captivated by her when they noticed me and greeted me 'Good Morning.' I blushed slightly as I realized I was staring at her and to not embarrass myself I returned their greetings in a friendly manner. As I do so, someone called my Name "Aiden" it was my cousin Daniel who were sitting in the other table near the door with a girl. He motioned for me to sit next to him at the table but knowing him, I knew he had a lot more friends to arrive and I chose to sit in an armchair behind him so we can be close to each other. "heyyy Goodmorning, why did you sit there?" He asks as he turns to face me "No reason, just to better see the blackboard I guess?" I answered as I placed my bag in front of me. "I almost forgot, Elissa this is my cousin Aiden and Aiden This is my Friend Elissa" Daniel introduced me to his friend Elissa who seemed kind of.... nice, I guess? As the time passed and more new and old students arrive, I couldn't help making quick glances at the girl talking with Leila. She looked pretty cute and definitely has a good personality and a cute smile, I believe her name was Rein.

8:30 A.M.

A Man in his Mid 20s walked into the classroom with pink uniform, Black pants and a Black Shoulder bag. Everyone in the room hushed their voices a little as they assumed that it was their adviser. "Goodmorning Grade 9, My name is James Rick Ewell, but you can call me Sir James and I will be your adviser this year. Are you excited for your first day of school?" The man introduced himself and asked "Yes Sir" some of the students answered and others didn't. "It seems like the others doesn't have energy, now why don't we introduce ourselves first? Starting with you. Will you introduce yourself to us?"  He pointed at the first girl in the front row. The girl stood up and began introducing herself "Goodmorning everyone, my name is Cassandra Gutierrez, everyone calls me Cassy, I'm 14 years old and I live in (Home). My hobbies include singing, Playing the guitar and Practicing with my bow." when that was all she sat down, and the teacher signaled for the other or next inline student to introduce themselves and then another and another until each of them was finished introducing themselves. Aiden can't seem to get the Girl who captured his eye's introduction out of his head, 'My name is Rein Cheyanne and you can call me Rei or Rein, I'm 14 Years old and I live in (Home). My hobbies are Reading and Playing with my cats'. 'So, her name is Rein, and she likes Cats' Aiden thought to himself as Daniel talks beside him. Aiden's Guess was right, Daniel's table was now full of students that is also his friends, it was right for Aiden to choose the armchair beside Daniel. As of now they weren't doing anything the teacher had allowed to introduce themselves to each other, Afterall it was only the first day of school. Daniel had already introduced Aiden to his friends, they do look friendly but Aiden' nervousness is much stronger. Aiden observed around the room, Daniels table were loud and happily talking with each other and the opposite table were doing quite the same. He couldn't help but glance at Rein as she joyously converses with her seatmates and possibly old classmates, he too noticed his friend Jack talking with the other table when Jack called Aiden to come with them. Jack being Adien's only friend aside Daniel in this new school followed and soon he was being introduced to jack's old classmates. Aiden was still nervous for today but it soon subsided when he met Jay. Jay has the same vibe with Aiden, and this makes his nervousness subside a little along with jack. Aiden was kind of Grateful that Jack was an old Classmate of Rein and thus the start of their Friendship and Aidens little Crush. The day ended with no problems and just with introductions to the students and the teachers and yet, Aiden can't seem to take Rein out of his mind as he rode his bike home. Is this just a little crush?

Over the course of a few days, Aiden and Jay grew closer together and eventually became best Friends. The school activities were getting harder each day but other than that, Aiden got to know the old Classmates of jay and jack. Leila The first honor and her Best Friend Brianna: Both of them were Pretty and intelligent, they both like to sing in Class Breaks as if there's a concert every day. Rein, she was the second Honor, and she was the kindest out of all of them and even in Daniel's Table she really were the kindest and friendliest of them all.
Days turn into Weeks and Aiden can't help but fall deeper and deeper for Rein. He always see Rein and Cassy together so he connected that Cassy must be the one who's close to Rein, Maybe he should ask her things about Rein. And He did just that, he befriended Cassy and when she found out that Aiden likes Rein, she was willing to help him out but on one Condition. She'll only help him out until Rein has given him an answer, Any answer. Aiden was in High Spirits when Cassy agreed to help him out, although it was a bit early to just court her out of the blue, That's why Aiden decided that progressing their friendship would be the first thing he does.

3 Months later

It wasn't the same as problems were created with the 2 tables, All about some disagreements that turn to hatred to each other. It was only 3 months of School to top it off, Daniel was still Friends with the 2 tables and doesn't side with anyone, Rein, Cassy, Aiden and Jay were the same while the others had hidden Hatred for each other. It was the Morning of Monday and as Aiden arrived at the classroom, all looked normal, nothing out of the Ordinary. He's progress with Rein was Normally quick, Just a friend being your friend but they did get to know each other more and more. Aiden had Learned that Rein doesn't wanna be into a Relationship just yet and wanna put her Studies Second, She's always had her Family First. Aiden Sat at his chosen chair Wich is the middle back with his 2 Friends Jack and Jay. Rein hasn't arrived yet neither Cassy or Jay Even Jack, Guess he'll be alone for a While was what he thought when Leila called him and Asked him a Question. "Aiden. I have a question for you, Come sit here." Leila siad to him, Of course Aiden who is curious about it sat at the chair across Leila. She asked in a low voice "Do you like Rein?". Aiden Immediately blushed a little as Leila asked him about Rein "Huh? N-no I don't! I mean she's Pretty and Kind and All but I don't." Aiden answered immediately, He knew that the only people who knew He likes Rein was only 3 people and that was Cassy, Jay and Jack.
Leila gave him a Smug look "Don't pretend, It's very obvious that you like her" "Fine, I do" It's not like Aiden could Deny it, She was Smart afterall. They converse about why he likes Rein and Leila giving him a few advices until Rein and the others arrived

To Be Continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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