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I lie in bed as I slept quietly. It was a beautiful morning as I then felt the warmth of the sun shine through the windows into the home. I slowly opened my eyes as they fluttered like a butterfly from the sun. I breathed softly as I looked around the room to then see Kami cooking up some food in the pot that sat above the fireplace. I slowly sat up as the blankets and sheets made soft sliding sounds. Kami seemed to be preparing some rice, tamagoyaki/たまごやき, grilled fish, and some natto/なっと. Tamagoyaki was a rolled omelet, and natto was fermented soy beans. It all looked so delicious as my mouth was watering. Though she seemed to be making a lot just for two people, but I simply ignored it.
"Good morning." Kami said gently as she finished cooking up food and started preparing the table. "I made lots of food because you will be needing the energy for your training today! So once I finish setting up the table, we can start eating." She said as she placed bowls filled with different types of food on the table. It all looked heavenly and fresh as the steam flowed off of it. I nodded my head as I looked out the window, butterflies flowed in small gardens and there was a small pond with koi/こい fish. They were vibrant and orange and very easy to see due to the clear clean water. There were flowers everywhere and trees swayed from soft wind. It all looked so beautiful, I nearly had forgotten how beautiful nature was. Is this really what demons couldn't see? They clearly deserve that because I felt like nature was just heaven by itself. Cicadas would chirp as I then looked back at Kami to see she has finished setting up the table. "Alright, breakfast is all ready. Come and eat up so we can get started with the day." She spoke as she smiled softly at me. I slowly stood up and walked up to the table and sat onto my knees. I took the chopsticks and bowed. Muttering "itadakimasu/いただきます" and beginning to eat. All of the food was amazingly flavorful and blissful to my tastebuds. The unique combinations of flavors were outstanding. After I finished, Kami then quickly gave me even more food?!

"You're going to need to eat more than that, dear. You need all the energy you can get, besides, you're all skin and bones." She said as she laughed softly. I stared at her as I let out a small sigh and quickly gulped down the warm food. I couldn't really complain about eating more because the food was amazing. Kami would mix in scallions with the rolled omelet which was delicious. Once I finished, Kami stood up and brushed off her dark red kimono.
"Well, before we start your training, let's get you a bit cleaned up. I couldn't exactly do that since you were healing for the past days. Theres a river near by, maybe we can get your hair in a better condition. It's certainly long!" She said as she then slid open the front doors. I stood up as I followed along outside. Once I took my first step on the grass, my eyed widened slightly. The rays from the sun, the warm wind and sounds of cicadas hit me. I realized that I would rarely go outside, I've always been trapped inside. I felt my breath shutter a bit as I stared at my surroundings. Everything was so beautiful. I then realized Kami continued to walk as I quickly caught up with her.

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I sat in the river, the rivers warm water cleaning me as I rinsed my long hair. The clumps of dirt slowly breaking off as I felt a sense of relief. I rubbed the water against my skin and used a small lavender bar of soap Kami gave to me before she left to give me some privacy. I rinsed my face and cleaned my wounds that were partially healed. Kami did give me some medicine while I was healing, it helped with the healing process. I let out a soft sigh as I stared into the forest. Everything felt so relaxing, though, I should enjoy this before I have to go through this so called training Kami mentioned. After I finished washing up, I stepped out the slow flowing river and put on a fresh pale blue yukata/ゆかた with white flowers on branches. I then walked off back to the house where Kami said she would wait for me. When I arrived back, I saw her standing around patiently before she spotted me. "Excellent, you're all ready. Hmm...actually, let me see what I can do with your hair since it will most likely be a burden during your training. Go ahead and sit over on that rock. I'll braid it like all Floral Breathing users do..." She said with a comforting tone and smile. I nodded swiftly as I sat on the warm rock and felt Kami slowly detangle my hair with her slim pale fingers. She started twisting my hair around in patterns before it was finally in a beautiful long braid and a small daisy poked into it.
"Perfect! Now we can get to your training! First, we're going to have to work on your physical strength. So come along and follow me." She said as she slowly walked into the forest. I jumped off the rock and followed along with her.

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