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"Hey," Taylor said as he placed his keys on the coffee table, "Guess what?". He walked over to the kitchen where Hayley was cooking dinner for the two of them, the smell of pesto overpowering the kitchen as Hayley intently focused on chopping mushrooms.

She smiled softly and looked up, "Hey! What's up?"

Taylor smiled and put his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek, "I went golfing with my dad and he was reading Billboard. He saw the For Your Consideration for Petals for Armor. He was so proud of you! We at least we have one vote for the Grammy's."

Hayley chuckled and looked up at him, "I doubt I would win. It would take a miracle for me to be even nominated. I don't care anyways. It's a stupid dumb award."

Taylor's eyebrows furrowed together and looked at her, "It does matter. We have worked so hard to produce this album and you have worked so hard. I bet we would get nominated and we would win."

Hayley let go of his embrace and chuckled, "Is this a bet? If we do win, what do I get?"

Taylor pondered about it for a moment, he didn't know if this was too bold or risque to even bring up but he didn't care. He had thought about it recently since they had gotten back together, things had been rocky but they were able to communicate better and have a healthy relationship. They were both stable and willing to work on it.

"If we win a Grammy, I'll get a ring," He said and looked at Hayley.

Hayley looked up at him, perplexed and a little stunned, "Like to wear?"

"No, like an engagement ring," He told her and lifted up her head placing a soft kiss on her lips. She pulled away and looked at him, "So if we never win a Grammy? We're never getting married?"

He looked at her, "No that's not true we will get married. However, if we do win a Grammy, prepare to be engaged."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes, she didn't believe he actually would. She also didn't believe that she would be nominated or let alone win. She never had any good luck with winning or love but lately she was lucky. She was so lucky to be in a relationship with Taylor and she did love him. She wasn't in a rush to get married but it would be nice to get married someday. She wasn't really surprised when she ended up not being nominated for a Grammy. She felt a sigh of relief, she wasn't just quite ready. Soon enough with being busy starting to work on their newest album, Hayley had forgotten about this bet they had made. They got lost in the recording and making this album that Hayley couldn't even remember the conversation in 2020. It seemed so long ago.

February 2024

Hayley, Taylor and Zac had been tirelessly working on their album and the arduous touring process that followed its release. Their tour schedule was incredibly busy, with back-to-back shows in various cities and countries. They constantly found themselves on the road, performing night after night, and while it was rewarding it was extremely strenuous for the now 30 something year olds.

As their popularity soared, the demands of touring became both physically and mentally draining. Hours of rehearsals, traveling long distances, and coping with the pressures of constantly being in the public eye took a toll on their well-being. This time around Hayley and Taylor's relationship was so strong. They were able to take care of their relationship and enjoy touring. Hayley felt relieved that they didn't have to hide their relationship anymore. Sometimes all she needed during one of their shows was to rest her head on his shoulder.

Despite their love for performing, they were secretly yearning for a break — a chance to catch their breath and have some time away from the spotlight. The constant grind of touring had left them craving solitude and privacy. They longed for a chance to recharge, reconnect with loved ones, and simply enjoy some time away from the chaos of their demanding schedule.

Finally, the opportunity for a break arrived, and Hayley and Taylor were ecstatic. They cherished the peace and quiet that came with having a hiatus from the public eye. They spent the break with friends and family, enjoying ordinary moments and pursuing personal interests. Whether it was taking long walks, hiking with Alf, or immersing themselves in hobbies that had been temporarily neglected, they reveled in the feeling of normalcy. Taylor craved the normalcy of the simple life and he was happy to do so. He had put all his energy on working on their home, getting ready to move and finally buy a home together, one where they could both pick up. Renovations had kept Taylor occupied while Hayley focused on her business.

They hadn't really focused on the band or the public obligations they had, unaware that they had submitted their latest album for the Grammy's. When they found out that they were nominated, they were shocked. So unaware of it and Hayley so blissfully unaware of the promise that Taylor had made almost four years ago. Taylor didn't though and he knew that this was a good time to propose. Losers or Winners, Hayley would be a winner.

Taylor stood in front of the jewelry store's window, his eyes fixated on the mesmerizing rose gold engagement ring. Hayley had always admired rose gold, its delicate hue matching her elegant personality perfectly. As he held the ring in his hand, he couldn't help but feel his heart race with excitement. He knew this was the one to symbolize their love and commitment. Bursting with excitement, he immediately dialed the numbers of his closest friends, Zac, Joey, and his brother Justin. Taylor had begun to formulate a plan with his friends. They were all going to meet at Taylor's new house for the Grammy's. While they were watching the Grammy's, Kayla and Justin would be decorating the basement for their engagement party. It would be a small party but nonetheless, one to remember.

When the day finally came, Taylor was nervous. Suddenly he didn't care about winning a Grammy, he just wanted to propose to Hayley. Either way, he still had to pretend to care about winning or losing the award. Taylor and Hayley had gone to Whole Foods and bought two small white cakes, one with the word 'Winner' and one with the word 'Loser'. Immediately after arriving home, Hayley began to cook for their friends and Taylor began to get the living room for their friends. An hour later, everyone began to trickle in and their house was full of excitement and laughter. Their home was alive and joyful. Taylor smiled softly at Hayley as they mingled with their friends before everyone began to take a seat on of the couches as the Grammy's began.

Sudden Taylor started sweating profusely, he was so nervous. He was nervous but excited, he had never been one to be public with his feelings but today he was. He was going to profess his love to Hayley regardless of the outcome. Hayley sensed his nerves and held his hand tightly, "It doesn't matter if we win or we don't. This was fun anyways," She whispered to him and kissed his cheek. Taylor nodded in agreement, feeling the ring in his pocket and knowing that soon enough he would propose. His hands clammed up as the announcer began to announce the winners for the Alternative and Rock category. Taylor tried his best to be cool as the nominees were announced for Rock Album of the Year. Zac encouraged everyone to stand up as the announcer began to list off the nominees. Taylor's heart was beating so fast, he was surprised that no one could hear it. They all joined together in holding hands as the winner was announced.


The room erupted into screams and jumps for joy, everyone hugging each other. Zac and Taylor hugged tighter than they ever had with Zac kissing his cheek out of pure joy and excitement. Everyone laughed at them and Hayley joined in their hug before Zac got snarky, "Um excuse me this is my boyfriend. Not yours."

Hayley chuckled, "Let me hug my boyfriend please."

Oh shit. This was it. Taylor had to propose now, he couldn't wait to hear if they had won another Grammy or not. He didn't care anymore at this point. He let go of Zac's embrace and looked at Hayley, "I am not your boyfriend."

She looked at him inquisitively before asking, "What do you mean?"

Taylor got down on one knee and pulled out the rose gold engagement ring he had bought months ago and pulled out, holding it out to her, "Hayley, I have loved you since 2002. Ever since I saw you on the Football field with that makeshift outfit, I knew you were someone special to me. As we got older, I stepped up and let you be happy with someone else. I have always loved you and been in love with you. You make me so happy, you bring joy and color to my life. You are my best friend. I am so glad we get to make music together and travel the world doing what we love. I love making music with you and I love the life that we have together. I love our home and our dog. Everyday, I wake up and thank God because I have the best partner in the world. You are everything to me and I am so lucky to have you. Calling you my girlfriend isn't enough anymore, I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me, Hayley?"

Hayley was at a loss for words as tears began to build up, she nodded softly before exclaiming a loud yes. Taylor smiled softly and put the ring on her finger before standing up and kissing her passionately. Their friends all smiled and cheered for them, hugging Taylor and Hayley as they were newly engaged. They were all so happy for them, they didn't even realize they had won another Grammy but to Taylor and Hayley it didn't matter anyways. Kayla came out and brought the small cake with the word 'Winner' decorated on it. Hayley chuckled, "I am afraid I was a winner regardless of the Grammy's," She chuckled softly as she admired her engagement ring.

Taylor smiled softly, "Told you if we won a Grammy I would give you a ring."

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