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I'm obsessed with Dina and Ellie asf rn so why wouldn't I write an AU >:).


A high pitched clicking sound approached the hiding pair, ducked behind rows of seats. According to Sunna's firefly intel, she had learned of a mission to visit this planetarium, since it was allegedly abandoned and had some seeds to poach in their vegetation wing.

Sunna's intel had been wrong.

"Fuck those damn fireflies." Janis swore quietly as the grotesque mass of fungus lurched towards them. Janis watched the clicker approach Sunna who was hiding behind the front row of seats. Unfortunately for the pair, Sunna was more of a medic than she was a fighter like Janis.

Janis had no time to lose. She hopped up as quietly as she could above the seats and launched herself at the monster, her knife finding contact deep in the long past human's neck.

The fungus gargled and fell to the ground, continuing to snap its jaws until its thrashing stopped, Janis ripping her knife out as she turned to scowl at Sunna.

"So, abandoned huh?" Janis scowled at Sunna. Deep down she knew it wasn't Sunna's fault, but regardless, this could've cost them.

"That's what they told me." Sunna panted, looking over at Janis and unconsciously scanning her open skin for wounds, thankful to find no bites.

"I can't believe you trust those fireflies. None of what they say is true. At this point we might as well trust the government." Janis said, not meaning a word she said.

Sunna glared at Janis before huffing.

"Let's just get the seeds and get out of here." Sunna said.

"Fine." Janis shot back, moving out of the planetarium theater and into the main halls. The clicker had chased them back and Janis wasn't going to be taking any more chances. She brandished her knife and walked close to the wall, avoiding the broken glass that littered the floors with Sunna in tow.

They made it to the vegetation wing and Janis looked at the double doors, which were shut, almost reinforced with the vines winding around the handles. Janis shuffled to one side of the door while Sunna flanked the other, the two making eye contact before Janis nodded, reaching for the knob and flinging it open, eyes scanning the area quickly to determine if any threats were present.

Thankfully, nothing vicious charged at them and Janis nodded Sunna in, shutting the doors quietly behind them.

It was almost exactly how it was left before the infection, besides the overgrowth. Unfortunately, nothing that grew was edible as far as Janis could tell.

Sunna motioned Janis over toward another door labeled 'employees only'.

"I bet it's in here." Sunna said.

Janis knocked and pressed her ear to the door, listening for any inhuman things. Upon hearing silence, Janis swung open the door, dirt flying along the radius in a small cloud.

It was a small closet, racks adorning the walls as the pair rifled through the contents within, hoping to loot something valuable.

"Nothing but some old ceramic pots. Figures." Janis grumbled and noticed Sunna was being unusually silent.

"Sunna? You okay? Were you bit?" Janis asked, giving her a once over and looking on her exposed skin, seeing nothing concerning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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