true love is hard to find. byler angst

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"Will..." Mikes voice trembled, his hand reaching out to lightly caress Wills cheek, wiping away the lone tear that had escaped. The soft touch lingered, a bittersweet memory of their love.

"I have loved you since the moment our eyes met."

hope, flutters in wills heart  A heavy silence hung in the air, suffocating the room with unspoken words and shattered dreams. Will could feel his heart breaking the hope he once had fading.

 the pieces scattering like shattered glass on the cold ground. His eyes searched Mikes, desperately clinging to a glimmer of hope to give him hope.

"But I don't think I want to," mike whispered, his voice barely above a broken sob. The words hung in the air like a death sentence, sealing the fate of their once beautiful love the weight of those words crushed Wills soul, extinguishing the light that once burned so brightly between them. 

Mikes lips trembled as he leaned in, pressing a sorrowful kiss to the bridge of Wills nose. His breath was warm against Wills skin as he whispered in a breathy, broken voice, "I'm sorry."The tender gesture carried the weight of their shared memories

 a silent plea for forgiveness that hung heavy in the air. Wills heart constricted at the soft touch, a painful reminder of what was slipping away between them. In that moment, the touch of Mike's lips on his nose spoke, a silent farewell to the love they once knew.

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