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aurora had to sneak through the corridors and the common room to get to theo's dorm. it wasnt that difficult considering classes were still going on for that period but it was nice to be home.

aurora sat on his bed and breathed in his scent. happy to be alive and there. in the moment.

when she heard distant voices she knew classes were over. she wasnt bothered. until she could hear his voice.

the voice that had replayed in his head for the last few months. the voice that she wished so much was real. and now it was again.

when theo opened the door to his dorm with mattheo and enzo behind him, the last thing he expected to see was the love of his life sat on his bed.

he believed he was hallucinating at first.


"theo." she stood up and looked at her boyfriend.

her boyfriend who ran to her, picked her up and squeezed into a tight hug.

"careful" she giggled

"we'll give you a moment" mattheo said as he shut the door on the couple.

theo put her down, cupped her face and kissed her so passionately aurora thought she might pass out. she had to push his shoulder just to pull away and catch her breath before she spoke.

"sit down, we need to talk"

"yeah, sorry love" theo took her hands and sat her down on his bed.

"theo im pregnant"


"im pregnant."

"well is it- is it mine?"

"yeah, i havent slept with anyone else"

theo ran a hand through his hair "and youre sure youre pregnant?"

"i was feeling unwell more often than not so i went to a doctor, they did a pregnancy test and a scan"

"how far are you?"

"13 weeks"

"and that is?"

"3 months"

"fuck" he threw himself backwards and sighed "wait. how the fuck did you get here then?"

"my aunty andy, she found me by a cliff near where im living for the time being and i told her everything so she brought me her-"

theo sat up and cut her off "by a cliff?"

"i was crying"

"aurora what the fuck were you doing by a cliff when youre pregnant"

"will you stop swearing and listen to me"

"i am listening to you!"

"i was looking over the water, the uk is directly opposite where im staying, i wasnt doing anything harmful"


"anyways, as i was saying she brought me here so i can tell you and she can speak to my mother about whats going on and trying to convince her to let me stay here or-"

"youre not staying here"

"stop interrupting me!"


"right. or shes going to try and get her to let you be in france with me OR" she spoke quickly before he could interrupt again "be able to at least have contact with you"

"im glad youre here. im glad i know. but i dont want you here during the war! youre 17 and pregnant."

"im 18 theo."


"i turnt 18, 3 weeks ago."

"darling im sorry-"

"forget it. you know now and thats all that matters"

there was a long pause of silence before theo spoke again.

"aurora i need to tell you something"



"dont tell me, i dont want to hear it"

"its important. please?"

"i dont want to hear about her."


"yes, i dont want to hear about your new girlfriend or whatever. you know now and thats that."

"aurora, im not seeing anyone but you. your father broke out of azkaban, along with bellatrix and a few other death eaters"


"my love-"

"wait. do they know where he is?"

"theyre assuming hes at your house bu-"


"rory i need you to listen to me"

"i cant-"

"rora, beathe, seriously i need to talk to you"

her eyes filled with tears for what felt like the 100th time that day but she looked at her boyfriend, trying to listen as she held her stomach. theo rested his hand on her knee

"dumbledore is dead, died the day after you left, harry, hermione and ronald left not long after that to destroy the horcruxes or something like that, the war has already begun and i need you to listen to me when i tell you this. if i do not come to france with you, or you stay here, safe. do not contact me."

aurora was now sobbing as theo pulled her onto his lap and held her tightly.

"youre going to be okay, i promise"

"i love you"

"i love you more"

the two shared a short, loving kiss before the door opened and both of their heads turnt back towards the blonde boy that had just stormed into the room.

800 words 😉

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