One shot

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It was a warm peaceful Saturday afternoon as Kunikida and Dazai played monopoly to pass the time. Both started out as fierce competitors determined to come out on top.

The two were across from each other, the board game placed on a table spread in front of them. As they rolled the dice, moved their pieces, as the game began to heat up. Kunikida had the most luck and the better properties, success planned on his schedule.

Dazai, on the other hand, struggled to buy anything at all. Kunikida had strategically distracted Dazai who was goofing off and confident in his skills and knowledge of monopoly.

With every turn, Dazai's frustration grew, while Kunikida's smile widened to Dazai's dismay. Against all odds, Kunikida rarely ended up in jail even with his almost-too-good-to-be-true rolls.

Afterwards, Dazai rage quit the game and declared Kunikida's good fortune to be 'unbelievable' and that he "didn't feel like playing anymore". Puffing his cheeks out in a pout and his arms crossed as he refused to allow his pride to be hurt at the cost of his loss.

Kunikida sat there, surprisingly amused by Dazai's antics, offering to restart the game. Despite Dazai's tantrum from just a couple of seconds ago, he accepted the deal.


Kunikida once again had a ton of property in his possession meanwhile Dazai barely had one in just a few minutes due to Kunikida sticking to his stern ideals of playing monopoly. Dazai thought for the second time 'this must be some sort of witchcraft, spells, or something,' suspicious of him.

Dazai was getting pretty exhausted from losing twice so he opted to admit defeat again, accusing him of cheating as he did before. He had decided to let it go, it wasn't grabbing Kunikida's attention as per his usual childish outbursts.

Since it was getting pretty late and they were getting fairly hungry, Kunikida decided to go get some food from their local convenience store.

He didn't trust Dazai due to his well known behavior of being self-destructive everywhere he went. So, the journey continued as Kunikida wore his shoes that laid near the front entrance and walked out the door.


Kunikida walked to the store with his wallet and phone in his front pockets, he didn't want to take long out of concern for how chaotic Dazai was when left alone. He wanted to get a snack or small meal light on their stomachs but filling at the same time. He got four Onigiris, to split between himself and Dazai.

He paid for the food, attempted to leave but fate decided otherwise– a young lady from behind accidentally spilled her drink onto him, leaving a stain on the white blouse he was wearing.

Kunikida wasn't mad whatsoever, it just would've been a pain in the ass to scrub off. She apologized, offered to pay for the dry cleaning but Kunikida politely declined and made his way out the door.

Upon exiting the store, Kunikida straight up ran to his house and was slightly embarrassed to be seen with a big stain on his previously spotless attire.

Returned home in 5 minutes, out of breath from going at least two blocks without stopping more than necessary. Entering the establishment to find Dazai lazing around on his couch watching television without a care, Kunikida set the bag of onigiri on the table in front of Dazai.


Dazai and Kunikida were done eating, now sitting shoulder-to-shoulder awkwardly uncomfortable and unsure of what to do next. Dazai mustered the courage to ask if they could snuggle. Kunikida thought it was a bit strange of Dazai to ask him that out of the blue. He replied in agreement, the duo collectively headed upstairs to Kunikida's bedroom.

Using the rock-paper-scissors method to determine who would be the big spoon and little spoon. Eventually, it ended up with Dazai being the big spoon and Kunikida being the small spoon. Finally, the unlikely duo were cozy with the shared warmth and intimacy in the safety of their embrace. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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