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-been a while since I've done one of these prologues... yeah... I'll try to make it long as I can-

_20 years before present day_
A massive war had broken out on remnant between Menagerie and all of Mantle and Atlas, the faunas island with a few warriors and plenty of weapons from the last war, and the technologically advanced city of rich people with their near limitless soldiers and resources were having this war because of dust mining and human/faunas rights violations, and Menagerie was actually holding on fairly well as long as Atlas was kept away from the island.

-POV shift-
Smith Smithson hated his name, mainly because it was smith smithson, it distracted him some days as he tried to figure out of to make his name more serious, just to pass the time some days. He was a bit argumentative and a larger guy, being stronger than most. He was our heavy guy.

Josh Reed was Smith's best friend, he liked to help his buddy with all sorts of things, whether thinking of names or fighting the faunas, he was a cheery, light-hearted guy who kept his units'  morale up with bad jokes and his upbeat attitude. He was the tech guy, not machine could resist his hacking

Mark was the most mysterious of us, being a sharpshooter and spec-op before joining our team.
He wasn't the most talkative, and he followed orders closer than the rest of us, but he was still our comrade and friend.

Then there's me, the close quarters specialist, and the one who was given the Supreme Machine: RZ-8824.
The rest got their own titans eventually, but I was the first.

-POV switch-

The Pilot Candidates were flying through a war zone, having been called in to get rid of the faunas insurrectionists in the small town of Black Rock.

The faunas all watched the VTOL  as it hovered around 10-20 feet over the Altesian side of the battle, and four humans dropped out of it, landing easily and without harm.

Four hunters, a team of such, sent a group of Atlesian soldiers flying, they turned to fight more, but were met with empty space and four clearly elite soldiers: the pilot candidates, though they were kept on a need-to-know level if discussed.

The four were not wielding trick weapons like the hunters were, instead using regular guns, meant for war instead of hunting Grimm.

The hunters were Taiyang Xiao Long, Qrow and Raven Branwen, and Summer Rose, all of them feeling justice was on the side of the Faunas, who had been mistreated for generations by humans.

The Pilots were merely doing their jobs, following orders, but they knew this was a test as well, one of their combat and teamwork capabilities.

The hunters readied up, approaching the pilots as the pilots did for them, their numbers were even, but the pilots were more used to their weapons in regular combat, while the hunters were more used to hunting mindless, large beasts, not fighting actual humans.

-POV switch-

We walked together towards the hunters, I couldn't remember their team name, but I knew they were hyper-lethal in each mission they were on, and then there was the army of faunas threatening us as well, but we kept moving to them.
The one thing I knew was that they had been fighting for hours, and we were fresh out of the dropship, ready to gun them down if need be.

"Alright, drop your weapons and put your hands over your head! You are under arrest by the Atlesian experimental force 99!" I said when we got close enough to the hunters. Smith was on my right and Mark was to the far left, with Josh close on my left side, the three of us standing across from the hunters, the hunters themselves, and Mark's finger on the trigger were all a recipe for extreme tension, leading to plenty of sweat on brows as the eight of us were locked in a standoff.

-fight, third person omniscient POV-

Qrow moved, widening his posture.
Suddenly, the seven in the road dashed towards each other, with Josh and Smith pulling out their guns and firing, Smith's heavy chain gun roaring out and Josh's automatic rifle sending a stream of lead towards Raven, while Mark waited for Tai or Summer to enter a clear line of sight for him.
That was when he realized that Raven wasn't in the field of the fight.

"Shit-" he growled, hearing the click of his pistol, which he hadn't even felt her remove from his belt.

A gunshot rang out over the others, and a chunk of masonry and much of someone's skull were blown away from the rooftop.

Though the pilots were dismayed that Mark had been seemingly killed off, they were still pressing the three who weren't Raven through a flurry of teamwork and bullets, as well as slashes and stabs from the unnamed pilot, all of which brought the rest of the hunters to their knees.

A few minutes later, Mark left his perch, with Raven having taken a chunk of his side, and he had taken her arm, both of which had seemed to be the "skull" and "soft flesh" that the others had seen.

"It was nothing if not easy to fool her," he said, his low voice accentuated by his tone.

Smith laughed, "did you guys see me against that big blonde guy?! I crushed him!"

Josh looked up before speaking, "technically speaking, we merely neutralized them, and I helped you with Taiyang, while Five took care of the last guy, and then I, with your help, took down Summer Rose.

The four hunters were sent off to Beacon, three of them glaring at the Pilots.

The pilots didn't really care.

-this is one of my longest chapters, not prologues, chapters in general, and nearly a thousand words! I'm very proud of myself as I hit the 1004 point-

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