I Did This...

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Balloon's POV:

I walked downstairs, Just for breakfast... I don't go down there anymore, so I was obviously terrified. Y-You know what... I'm just gonna try to get there without people noticing me. "Hey, Helium face." Paintbrush. Damnit. "S-Si?" I speak spanish whenever I'm nervous, a good example of that is now. "Jeez, man, you're not even gonna say good morning?" Paintbrush asked me. I saw some people around me laugh. "Buenos días..." More people laughed. I walked over to the counter where we usually get our food. OJ glared at me & took the last plate of food. "Sorry, we're out" At this point everyone in the room was just laughing at me. I ran upstairs, to my room.

I grabbed a 'prescription' bottle. I didn't care to see the ingredients, but I did care to read the label. The label saying,

These are very strong anti-depressants. Taking more than 5 a day can kill you. Please take these tablets responsibly.

I grabbed some water from my nightstand. "Adiós mundo cruel." I drank down six pills. Six pills. Six.

I coughed up blood, tears fell from my eyes, my stomach felt like it was dying, but I didn't care. I fell onto the floor. "Balloon?" I heard people calling my name from outside. I didn't care.

There was a notebook next to me, more specifically my diary. The page was flipped to the last entry.

Diary Entry Number: 2,763

September 1st, 2019

Hoy es el día. Finalmente lo haré. Voy a poner fin a todo el sufrimiento que he logrado obtener en los últimos años. Mientras estoy fuera, realmente espero que nadie me extrañe. No necesito que nadie me extrañe. Por eso hice esto. Sin embargo, lo que sí quiero que suceda es que las cosas continúen como lo harían normalmente. Ni siquiera quiero un funeral, sólo quemar mi cuerpo. Ya no puedo decir que me importe, porque realmente no me importa.

Adiós, con todos mis saludos,



Here's & Cheers to WanderingStoryTelIer

For making this AU & Letting me use it!

Here, Here!

~ Lily


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