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"Without you I'm nothing"

"Fuck!" My friend groaned, rubbing his temples

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"Fuck!" My friend groaned, rubbing his temples. "I lost again.." He turned to me as I sat back in my chair. I crossed my arms and looked around as he questioned me. "How do you do it, Damian?"

I just shrugged. "Luck, that's all gambling is, luck." I watched him scoff as he stares at my winning hand, "It's not luck when you've won every single match."

I tapped the table. "I'm a lucky person, always have been," he sighs and grabs a solid 100 dollar bill out of his pocket. "That's all I have on me in cash," I watched him mumble. "Buy me lunch tomorrow, then," I mumbled, staring at a guy not far from us.

"Alright. I'm gonna go now before I lose more money," he said loudly in order for me to hear him over the blaring music. I nodded, sitting further back into my seat, and grabbing my phone.

"This seat taken?" I heard a deep voice grumble next to my ear, and I quickly turned my head. "Not anymore.." I said loud enough for him to hear. I watched him swiftly make his way to the seat next to mine. His hair was slicked back and his face had the slightest stubble. I stared at his clean suit, black, red undershirt, his muscl— "I've seen you here often," He spoke up causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"I normally come after work," I stated, trying not to leave any air on further conversation. "Nice jacket," he said, spreading his legs ever so slightly. "Nice suit," I complimented back, he simply hummed in response, which was a surprise that I was able to hear. I started to trace the outline of his body, trying to figure out if he worked out. "Keep staring and I might have to take you to the nearby hotel," I heard him tease.

I simply took a sip of my drink, making him wait a few long seconds before I spoke again. "You couldn't handle me." He chuckled softly at that.

"Wanna bet?"

I rolled my eyes at this. Who does this guy think he is? "I never bet unless there's money on the table.. now.. unless you're gonna stuff money in my boxers, I'd rather not." I watched him stare at me with an eyebrow raised, head cocked to the side.
"Bosses don't bet with money. I thought you would know this, sweetie.." I felt my eyes widen, the bluntness causing me to choke on my drink.

I covered my mouth with my hand, wiping the corner of my mouth with the cuff of my sleeve. "You're the boss? As in.. the guy who runs all of this?!" I questioned in disbelief, "Owner of this building, sweetheart." I had to keep myself composed. "First of all; stop calling me that. Second of all.. don't you think you should let me know about that before even joking about getting in my pants??"

I watched him chuckle with a deep timbre. "I don't think it's necessary.. if it's simply a one night stand." I gripped my cup, standing up and walking to the door. "Thankfully it'll never be a one night stand because I wouldn't even let you see me with my shirt o–" He cut off the end of my sentence by grabbing me by the belt loops and pulling my body closer to his. "We'll see about that. I say.. give it a couple of days. You'll be back I'm sure." I just gawked at him, pursing my lips before tugging away from him.

"Hopefully, I never see you again." I grumble and walk to the door.


When you are a full on gambler, it's hard to stop completely. Other places just don't have the same atmosphere. It took me as much as a singular day before I finally gave up and went back.

I never was a religious man. Never prayed. Never stepped foot into a church. But I swear I will turn to god if I don't see that man. Andreas Lusifa, even his last name was close to the devil himself. A man, who offered to sleep with me but then said I was worth as much as a one night stand?

I am a man of honor. Just as my father was and all Vescovis before me. And the fact that someone equated me down to the level of a simple one night stand made my blood boil. I'd rather be considered an animal than just a one night stand. I would normally prove to people I'm more than that, but something about him just pissed me off. I mean, I also have never slept with a man before.

Just the thought of being in the same bed with him angered me. "Beat that! Full House," someone exclaimed, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I stared at the man in front of me before spreading out my Royal Flush. I watched the man stare at me, mouth agape. I stared back with no reaction. No joy. No pity. Just a stare.

I was used to winning, which is why the thought of being as simple as a– snap out of it! "I win," I stared blankly. It only took one blink before I saw the man lunging at me. "You cheap motherf-" he was quickly cut off with security shouting at him, grabbing his arms in a restraint. That man was standing next to the two guards. "Can't let my guests get hurt, now can I?" I gripped my waistband just to hold tight onto something. I'm never trusting in God ever again if this is his "plan".

I stared at my winning hand spread out on the table.

"Hurt at all? Did he touch your face? If he touched you-"

"I'm fine." I groaned, "I'll just take my money and leave." I said standing up. "Oh, come on! You know what? I'll go a round. You win, I'll never bother you again, maybe get you some money, and if you lose, I get to take you to that hotel and–"
"Wait, one thing. I want one more thing," I cut him off, clearing my throat. "And what would that be, sunshine?"

"I want access to the VIP section."

The VIP section wasn't much different from the regular side of the casino. It had a few perks like free drinks and unlimited refills.. stuff like that. There was only one thing I truly wanted in that area; Michael Jones. He was the 'best' player in the entire casino and I needed to beat him, so I could be on top. I wanted to be known for my skill.

"Fine, but it's definitely gonna be more than one round if I win." he teased, his voice having a seductive hum to it. "Keep hoping." I said as I sat down, leaning back in the chair. He sat down across from me with that damn smirk on his face. I am gonna wipe that smirk off his face.. Otherwise I'll just find a hole to crawl into that he will never find.

I watched the dealer shuffle and hand the cards out all fancy-like. I stared at him from above the cards that I was holding, he had a shocked look on his face, then a smirk etched his face. He's lying. I took one look at my cards with a blank expression and cursed inside my mind.

The game went on. Every move he did made me question what his motives were. There was something else except the interest in sleeping with me. I ignored it and continued to focus on the game until we finally had to call out our hands. I prayed and hoped.

"Four of a kind." He stated, placing the cards on the table. I gripped my cards harder, placing my Full House on the table. "I guess I win," I tuned him out after that, staring at the table. This was the first time I have lost in one and a half years. I felt tears brimming the edge of my eyes. I shook my head before staring at him with a blank expression. "What hotel?" I asked blankly.

I was scared. For the first time in my life I was actually scared of losing. Now, I have no reason to go to the VIP section if I'm not even good enough to beat him. "Don't worry about it, hun." he stated, pushing a VIP card towards me. I stared at it before pushing it back, "I'll meet you at the hotel 30 minutes away from here."

I said standing up, walking towards the door. He let me leave, he let me leave like a failure. Now, not only did I lose, I'm gonna sleep with a casino boss. I'm about to sleep with a man for the first time in my life.

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