(On Hiatus) Lunar is a brat!

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I cant continue this right now....I cant. This book is for every other ressurection but they need to stop killing him off!

I will continue it and write the last two lore episodes before Eclipse's now third death but im not writing his death episode...

I need a break from my book until I recover from this...

I was already on break from it but now I am for a while...the good thing is that I have the last two lore episodes saved so when im mentally stable ill write them...

I will write something about how he felt when he died AGAIN after that but only his thoughts and leave the brats diaologue out.

Lunar you brat. 

Id say more but Wattpad.

Im beyond angry and sobbing.

I know they will bring him back but everytime he dies my heart hurts.

You cant change my mind sams....I will ALWAYS love Eclipse and I only care about him; and Blood Moon.

NO one else.

Eclipse is my husband.

Eclipse is going to be in so much pain when he wakes up again...my poor Clipsy D:


*Screams into the void.*


Thank you for understanding guys.

Hiatus for now. 

I can still write other books in the meantime. I will be mentally stable to write something non canon.

I need a few days though.

Im going to go work on my Vampire Eclipse playlist....at least theres aus.

*Throws Lunar on my way out.* BE THANKFUL THATS ALL IM DOING; brat.

Eclipse: Brat! Great...JUST GREAT. Im a ghost again...please ressurect me on Sunday....this is going to hurt....WHY ME?! LET ME LIVE! I cant even watch my own death. Im not watching the video. Those idiots dont realize that they are the ones making my mental state worse.  Im insane huh and what are all of you? *Cracks endo skeleton.* Ow. This is getting old. I just want to live...and know who brought me back...

Ruin x Eclipse is life and no one can tell me otherwise.

And Sun and Moon are stupid for thinking Lunar wouldnt see Eclipse.

Also; my birthday is March 9 and ill be 31 so thats at least something non depressing...

Why does everyone else but Eclipse get to be happy :(

They dont deserve it.

- Kian 

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