Joining StrayKids

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Walking down the hallway to my apartment room being myself I have a email for: JYP Entertainment. Not even knowing that I put my stuff down feeling hungry I cooked myself something after that sat down on the side of the bed looking through my emails than I noice I read the e-mail: Dear seungmin we have accepted into the JYP Entertainment system we will be hoping you show up tomorrow from JYP

"Me working for JYP Entertainment this is like a dream come true not everyone gets a opportunity to work for him this is good luck wait tomorrow I GOT TO FIND SOMETHING TO WEAR no... No...No it's soo hard"

As I try to find a outfit I get a text message for I.N: you got into the JYP Entertainment system causes I got in. Reply: yeah I got in I hope we see each other there probably won't be as much people as I thought but at least we got each other. I.N: yeah see you tomorrow good night:).

I started to fall asleep thinking how great it would be to see JYP but I was hungry so I got up and made me noodles the noodles was so good  I want to sleep. The next day I got up put my clothes on and text I.N and walked to the JYP Entertainment building and walk in.

"Y..o..u oh seungmin will JYP is waiting with the other members good luck" so I walk to the office he pointed to were there was a few other members I did see I.N we both smiled at each other then JYP came in "Hello everyone my name is JYP and you all made it to the finals today you all will get to know each other and then after that we will be writing a song you all will choose who will write the song but for now get to know each other will I have to go y'all will be in this room talking to each other will I must go bye" he walked out of the room but for now I have to talk to them.

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