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"Mr. Richardson!"
Alarmed at the yell for his name, Elias swiftly turns his head towards the familiar voice. It was his assistant, Syeda the sid. "Yes?" He
gives her his usual welcoming smile. But it doesn't seem to calm down her panicked expression. His smile falters a bit.
He looked down, noticing she was carrying stacks of papers that looked way too heavy for someone her size. He looks back up at her.    "Can you..ah, sorry, i've been to busy smelling farts.." She pants between words, was she running trying to get to him? "Agh, can you.. can you bring these up to Alisons office? It's the uh.. the papers from Google and our company partnership."
Ah, yes Elias remembers that. Their company had recently partnered with Google. He gives her a nod. "Of course, let me take these off your hands. You look exhausted." He winks at her, which does not amuse the fart smelling girl.
She gladly hands him the stacks of papers, slowly doing it in the process so the papers don't slip out of their hands. When he finally takes it in fully, Syeda the sid puts her hands on each side of her hips. "Oh yeah..forgot to tell you that you're gonna have to use the elevator since the stairs are shut down for a moment for cleaning." Elias laughs.
"Funny you say that, fart smelling girl, since I wasn't planning on using extra time to climb up those steps anyway. It's easier and more efficient to use the elevator to get around." She doesn't reply verbally to that, instead just nodding at his words. He gives her one last smile before turning around to make his way towards the closest elevator.
'These sure are a bother to carry,' he thought, biting his gum in slight irritation. The path to the elevator wasn't long, only taking him about 2 minutes to finally reach it. Though it felt like hours to the man because of the constant reminder of the papers' weight in his arms. He sighs in relief when he realizes the elevator Isnt occupied with anyone. Taking a step in, he immediately gets hit with the scent of vanilla. He relaxes into the newfound smell. Did they spray the elevator?
He turns his attention to the elevator buttons, being the building had 15 floors in total. He was on floor 2. He shifts the paper in his arms so one hand can get free. Once he feels like the papers are steady enough in one arm, he uses his free hand to press the highest button, 15. He sighed in relief when he was shown the door was closing.
"Hold on!" Elias' body stiffens.
"Hold the door!" There was a voice heard outside of the almost closed elevator door. A voice he did not like. Just when the elevator was finally about to close, he caught sight of a, might he add, tawdry looking shoe step between the doors putting it to an immediate stop.
Anyone but him.
"Dude, you should've held the door for me!" The voice outside the now-opening elevator doors said. He sounded more playful than angry. Elias moves more to the left, shifting his attention from the door onto the floor. He hears footsteps coming in, getting louder along with the sound of wheels. He takes a peek to his right and sees a... Target shopping cart?
What in the hell was Cory doing with an empty Target shopping cart? Cory, the taller man, felt eyes lingering on him. Curious, he turns around to look right back at the observer. He flinches when he realizes it was the last person he would want to see. "Cuevas, what on earth are you doing with a target cart? And why are you taking the elevator with it?" Hearing Elias's confused tone, Cory scoffs. Completely ignoring his question, he takes his hands off the shopping cart and crosses his arms just as the door closed.
"Oh, now you want to talk to me? I thought you hated me?" Elias shifts uncomfortably at his words. Was he seriously doing this now? They were bound to have this conversation sooner or later. He didn't think it would be this soon though. "Cuevas, you know i don't have such negative feelings towards you. I don't resent you in any way." Elias avoids Cory's gaze while speaking.He knew that was a lie. He always hated him. He just needed to be professional.
He was the one who stopped talking to Elias anyway. "You didn't say that last week." Jesus Christ, he's still on that? That just shows how big Cory's fragile ego is. He got his feelings butt-hurt from Elias and now wants some kind of conformation to slowly piece his bubble of confidence again.
Elias should've known Cory had taken that situation to heart. He has been ignoring him and giving him the silent treatment all week, which to Elias, seemed kind of childish and immature. But he didnt expect anything more from Cory. Elias takes a deep breath. "Cory-"
The floor shook beneath the two, making Elias lose his balance. The papers he was once holding all fell on the floor, making a loud 'THUD' Both the men held onto the elevator rail until the shaking finally stopped.
They both looked at each other with wide eyes. The elevator was still.
Elias turned his gaze to look at the elevator buttons, the '15' button was no longer red. "What did you do?" Elias furrows his brows, looking at the taller man. He glances onto the ground, wincing at the papers scattered across the wooden floor. Thats inconvenient. Maybe he should pick it up. Cory was almost stunned. Elias assumed he was the one who caused this mess. His lips turn into a snarl and he lets go of the rail, standing up straight to his full height. Elias sees this, imitating the same thing Cory did and letting go of the rail.
Cory rolls his eyes. Of course he blames him for the elevator magically not moving anymore. "I didn't do anything? You were the first one to press the fifteen button. What did YOU do?" He points an accusing finger towards the shorter man.
"The elevator was working fine until you stepped on here." Elias says in a calm manner, using his hands to emphasize his words.  "We both got on on the same floor, so how does me coming on here make a difference in the elevator?" Cory growls. not being too loud with his rise in voice level but it was loud enough for Elias to notice. His ex-assistant wasn't good at hiding his emotions.
"Maybe if you didn't have that huge shopping cart in the small elevato-"
"It's funny how you think everything that goes wrong is someone else's fault and never your-"
"Don't interrupt me!"  Elias fixes his tie, taking in a deep breath. "This is what I was talking about to the boss when he assigned you as my assistant. I am an upper-class man, you are required to respect me."
"Youre a short upper class man at that."
Elias sighs at Cory's cheap insults. "How does my height have any part in this conversatio-"
Cutting Elias off once again, the elevator's walls and the floor that leaned into more of the left side vibrated simultaneously as something was heard striking it. Elias, making the mistake of letting go of the rail once he and Cory started arguing, fell forward at the unexpected bang. Cory watches in amusement. Watching Elias be pushed around by the elevator was an oddly eesome sight to him. Elias turns his back to Cory and attempts to grab hold onto the rail once again, but slipping on a peice of paper in the process, (maybe he should've picked up the papers when he gotten the chance) causing him to stumble backwards and collide with the surprised man behind him.
Now the elevator was leaning a bit, making an ugly creaking sound whilst, causing some papers to fall more onto the right side with Elias and Cory. Beneath his chin, Cuevas heard the shorter man mumble something along the lines of "I can't believe this." And "Is this elevator really stuck?". Cory, on the other hand, had another problem to face. Elias was literally pressing onto him with all(?) of his weight, and didn't seem to move as he was just frozen contemplating the situation at hand.
Cuevas gulps, wondering if Elias fell into a state of unconsciousness or something by the look of how still he was. "We need to call for help,"
"No shit. Came up with that all by yourself?
Elias walks forward, ignoring cory's words. finally getting off of Cory to which the taller man thanked whatever god was above too, and turned around to face the dark haired man. "We need to call for help. Elevators always contain an emergency button incase something like this would've happen." Yeah well that was Corys original plan too.
"You don't have to explain all of that crap to me, i was just thinking of the same thing." Elias gives him a suspicious look. One that said "You're lying, and i know it." It made Cory want to punch him in all honesty. Cory turns his head to his side to look at the buttons. He finally found his answer at the bottom of the menu, he caught sight of a blue button with 'Emergency/call help' written beneath it.
"Are you going to press it or just stare at it like an idiot?" Elias cleared his throat impatiently.
Rolling his eyes, Cory pressed the button with his back still against the rail. He felt like if he moved from that spot he would get pushed around by the elevator just like Elias.
The button beeps 2 times before going completely silent again. "Now we just have to wait until some firefighters come to our rescue," Elias gingerly puts a hair behind his ear, feeling uncomfortable having to share a small space with the person in front of him. "While we wait, why don't we talk about last week, hm?" Cory noticed that Elias' body went taut when he mentioned last week.
"No, no, no. Tell me why." Elias decided the wall was a more interesting sight to look at.
"tell me why you decided to wake up before 5AM and then barged into Alison, the head of this companys fucking office and started bitching and whining to her how much you hated me and didn't want me to be your assistant anymore."
"You never got the job done." Elias finally looked at him with listless eyes.
"What?" Cory blinks.
"You never got the job done, Cuevas." Elias repeated himself, "Whenever i assigned you some paperwork to do for me you always complained as if i was a teacher giving you homework. You disobeyed me whenever i asked of something for you, you were not professional in any manner, and you just generally gave me a bad image."
"I gave you a bad image? After you cried wolf to the boss, everyone at work thinks i'm a fucking lazy ass loser who dosent listen to his seniors. You're the one who gave me a bad image!"
"You did that to yourself."
"This is why no one at work likes you, Richardson. No one likes a stuck-up mommys boy who expects nothing but perfection from everyone." Elias face scrunches up. "Cuevas, Don't try to blame me for the consequences to your actions. Maybe think twice before disrespecting me."
"You're so full of shit-"
The elevator floors shakes for the third time, this tim being more aggressive. Elias curses under his breath as he turns around once more in an attempt to walk back to the left side of the elevator to hold onto that rail. Non surprisingly, his plan dosent work and he slips on another peice of paper in the process. Causing him to once again fall backwards and collide with Cory with an 'Ow'.
Cory almost gasps at the sensation of his body being met with another twice. Once the elevator floors go still, theres another ugly creak sound before everything goes silent again.
Cory couldn't help but get a whiff of Elias's hair, since the other was forced onto him and his hair was right beneath his chin.
He would be lying if he said Elias banana scented shampoo (to which he had smelled before when they were still working together, maybe Elias likes using this shampoo frequently?) didn't have him the tiniest bit of infatuation.
He takes another discreet sniff, this time being intentional. He wondered, if he asked Elias what shampoo or conditioner he was using would he tell him? Probably not since he's a bitch. That also brings the question, how was this dickhead promoted and not him? He remembers when they were co-workers about 6 months ago. Elias was still the same back then so they weren't on the best terms. It just turned even worse when Elias got promoted into an upper position and Cory was assigned to be his assistant since 'they seemed the closest' (bosses words not mine) He should've known that work-relationship wouldn't have lasted a year.
Cory blinks at the mention of his last name. He panicks and quickly shoves Elias off of his body without warning, causing the blonde to fall forward before quickly catching his balance. He turns his head around to face Cory with an exasperated look.
"What is it now? Are you going to justify why you didn't just talk to me instead and just told the boss on me like a tattletell?"
"Actually, no. Because i dont hold grudges on such small things like that." Cory knew the man standing infront of him was lying through his teeth. If he didn't get angry at small things then why did he get angry at Cory for making small mistakes? Cory actually wanted to put their past behind and try to work together but Elias decided his best wasnt good enough. He shouldn't be surprised.
Elias continues, breaking cory out of his daze. "I was going to tell you were poking me from behind. That was until you pushed me off."
Cory clicks his tongue.
"Well who fault is that? I didn't tell you to lean on me now didn't i-"
Cory puts his hands to his sides, trying to feel any sensation of a belt he was wearing.
..he wasn't wearing a belt.
....what else couldve poked him?
That couldn't be it.
Just to be sure, Cory decides to shift his legs together a bit, squeezing his penis, the blonde being unknown to this erection, gives him a weird look for it.
Cory pants were feeling unbearably uncomfortable now. He had to feel it to believe it. He was fucking hard. Sometimes Cory wished he didn't have a dick.
He couldn't believe he got hard over something so small. He needs to get more action instead of watching porn all night.
"Can you press the emergency button again?" Cory funally asks.
Cory, feeling a sudden wave of shyness hit him at the impromptu problem he had in his pants, felt like if he moved Elis would immediately know of his erection.
"Why can't you do it yourself? You're closer. Or did you forget who's surperior?" Elias whistles, Cory hated how smug he sounded. "Surperior in work. Outside of this job, you're just a minimum wage guy who lives in an apartment. Don't think youre better. Cause you're not."
"Well, atleast i have enough money to pay my rent." Elias says with a snarky tone. Cory feels his hands clenching into fists so hard to the point he was sure his nails were making him bleed. He knew that was a sensitive subject to him. He knew that Cory was struggling financially. But he still decided to say it? In the most smug way possible? Cory opens his mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. He puts a hand to his forehead and massages it. He decided being silent was the best option. He watches the shorter male take a steo back and crouch down onto the floor, picking up his papers in silence. Once Cory felt Elias was distracted enough he tries to casually move one of his hands to cover his crotch. He knew that wasnt a natrual position but he did not want Elias to know that he made him hard.
The elevator was silent. Except for the occasional paper sounds as Elias was still stacking up amd organizing the papers that once fell onto the floor. Cory takes a deep breath, to which he recgonizes a vanilla scent fill his nostrils. This does nothing to calm his nerves but it was definitely a nice touch up to the elevator. Since last week the elevator smelled like Syeda the sid's farts. Thats why Alison banned her from ever coming onto elevators again.
None of them speaks a word, Cory being to embarrassed to do so and Elias feeling to awkward to so. Both of them wished the firefighters would come already.
Elias takes a wuick glance at the target shopping cart against the back of the wall. He still dosent know why Cory has a shopping cart anyway.
"Whats the shopping cart for?"
"None of your buisness" Cory responds quickly but impassively.
Elias stands up, finally being done with stacking the papers into his hands. He holds it close to his chest, seemingly protective over it. "I was just trying to start a conversation, Cuevas. No need to be so hostile all the time."
Cory has to remember theres cameras in the elevator. As badly as he wanted to pin Elias down as punch him, he has to restrain himself. He cant get fired from the only chance of a job he has. Without this job, he would be back living in a van. "I was just saying the facts, its none of your buissness."
"May i ask why you always have a retort to say when I try to speak with you? We're adults now. We're not in grade school anymore."
Cory did not want to argue right now, being in no place to spit out frustrated remarks when he could feel his cock twitching in his pants, begging to be touched. He looks down at the floor, focusing all of his attention on the glazed wooden pattern. It was a bit dirty and needed some mopping. Maybe if he was lucky, his hard-on would go away and cool down eventually. He shifts his right leg to be infront of him in an attempt to hide his crotch since covering it with his hand was awkward and obvious.
The elevator goes silent again. There was no noise outside of tje elevator doors heard so that meant no help was coming soon. Elias hesitates but walks to a corner and sits down with the wall against his back. He sits criss-crossed, finding that the most comfortable position. When cory realizes elias was on the floor he decided to bring his head up and stare at the ceiling instead.
You could cut this tension with a knife. If someone were to walk in here they'd probably think that one of them killed the others sister or maybe one of their wives has cheated with the other guy.. anything intense by how thick the atsomsphere is, atleast thats what Elias thinks. The shorter male checks his fingernails to try and distract himself. If only Cory could reflect on how horrible and disrespectful he is, they might have a chance at being friends. Elias is ready to move on from the old days.
Elias opens his mouth again, not wanting to feel the weight of their awkwardness on him any longer.
"You should press the emergency button ag-"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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