I'm starting this thing!! Read this notice!!!!! NOWWW!! (pwease :)

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So hi everyone! I've decided to do this half role play thing where there's me (Blue) and cute little four year old me (Red) as a kind of split personality / double account user thing. The format will look like this:

Blue: The format will look like this, basically just me, *return*, Red.
Red: Hewwo! I'm Red! I wove stwawbewwy's! <3
Blue: Please stop talking about strawberry's, Red, it's annoying.
Red: But stwawbewwy's are red, and that's my name!
Blue: I KNOW
Red: Shh Bwue you are too loud! :<
Blue: ...
Blue: Whatever that's the format, guys.

Blue: You can interact with either one of us, but... creepily... the same person :0

Blue: And I hate how the font does that to ma li'l faces >:(

Blue: Anyways, hope you have fun with Red, they're still getting used to people... Red is annoying but very cute :>


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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