❁ The Tale of My Heart- Part One ❁

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Requested by : HavinAFullOnGayPanic

[Unedited. Might be edited later.]

Oneshot-4; Part One
Words: 5319


Kim Namjoon went by a lot of names; Joonie, Monie, Nerd, Weirdo, Slut, Whore, No good piece of shit, and many more. Most of them were gifted to him by his bullies.

They despised him. They made fun of his nerdy-rimmed glasses, his body, and appearance overall. Some even called him Fat, just because he preferred baggier clothes that made his frame look on the rounder side. His black bangs making his face look a bit round, didn't help a bit.

He just was never with the trends that went around school like a virus, he didn't care for skincare products or hair dye. But ever since he was being bullied, he felt that if he tried, he would be put out of place. As if what he was doing would be wrong for him.

Well, he wasn't completely alone. He had his own music and dance company he belonged to. The people there weren't exactly his friends, but at least they were kind.

"Sup, Faggot!"

Rough hands shoved him into the locker that he was currently standing in front of, his glasses collided with the small shelf inside. The rim painfully dug into his skin.

"H-hey Jae-"

Before the boy could finish, he was spun around and punched across the face and thrown against the floor, his glasses flying away and smashed to pieces.

"Don't you dare say my name with your filthy whore mouth!" He snarled. Namjoon looked up to Jaebeom. Tears brimmed in his eyes, yet he dared not to speak a word.

"You ignoring him now? Huh?" Jinyoung spat on him. All he could do was shake his head, which was the wrong move because Mark kicked him in the stomach. Jackson just looked at him coldly.

Every day was the same, he would be approached by his bullies. Then they would push him to the ground and start punching him. The punches turned to kicks and profanities. Today was no different.

The bell had rung a long time ago by now, the group of boys long gone. Too good to waste their time on some piece of Scum. Nerdy. Unloved Bastard.

"Kim Namjoon, care to explain why you're late?" The teacher snarled. She was upset that her lesson was interrupted, not even noticing how broken the tardy boy looked.

"Sorry ma'am..." Namjoon mumbled. The class continued to stare at him, making him uncomfortable. Finally, the teacher sighed. "Just go to your seat, but one more distraction from you and I'm sending you out."

Some glared at Namjoon as he walked, the latter was so distracted by those eyes that he failed to notice the leg that shot out.

"KIM NAMJOON! PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE! NOW!" He heard through the laughter of the other kids. His fall was less than graceful, the squeal he made sounded like a pig. But the leg he ran into had hit into one of his bruises and it hurt like hell, not to mention his sudden embrace with the floor.

The black-haired boy muttered a quick apology before leaving for the office. Today has been shitty, not gonna lie.


"Sup, guys?" An annoyingly sweet voice called from behind, and the rest of the boys turned their heads to look at the owner of the voice.

It was Seokjin, the most popular kid out there in Bangtan High, and the heartthrob of every person out there, whether a student or a teacher. He was hot as flame, and even the straightest guy out there would melt into a puddle of goo at his striking looks.

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