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18th January 2024
10: 00 A.M.
Suburbs of Huntsville

Upon differentiating between a lip and a vulva, Betty moved an inch backwards while noticing that something was in her bare hand: A shiny, large object that had a black, plastic handle. Taking time to realise that it was a knife, Betty noticed a major percentage of her hand was red in the dried blood as well.

She threw that butcher knife away— as if she was carrying a alive rat— while letting out a trembling cry.

And that was when she saw the entire room.

An overly messy cottage built of oak wood, the floor was adorned in patches of duct tape, used syringes, an empty Sevorane bottle, and-

Betty lost her breath at the sight of various parts of a human body lying around the room with ants, houseflies, and other insects trying to pacify their stomachs with the available pieces of flesh. As her eyes were on the arm- without the fingers and elbow part- Betty found the infinity tattoo in it to be familiar.

As she crawled closer to the detached arm, she looked at the tattoo again. With the curves of the infinity tattoo strangely thick with the black ink, Betty's hands covered her mouth upon realising whose tattoo was.

"Emma," Betty let out an extended sob while uttering the name of a person with whom she had fought over written messages. "Emma."

She covered her mouth with her hands, then looked down as she noticed the hands stained with dried blood. She urged to gag as she realised that it was Emma's blood.

Though it was difficult for her, she had managed to stand up from her place and explore the cottage. As she turned towards the entrance door, her eyes fell on the spherical part whose back was full of brunette-coloured hair.

Though a part of her didn't want to look closer at it, her feet took baby steps towards the head of Emma Jones.

As she was three inches away from the head, she stood on her toes and peeked at those features of Emma's face.

Hazel brown eyes which were poked with the knife. A nose that was broken and gave up shedding further blood. The mouth which had only a countable number of teeth and tongue poking out, as if she had dead paralysed: These features which were capable of leaving Betty to trauma, excluding the fact that she had ignored those missing ears.

Rewinding to the highlights of yesterday, all she remembered was being drunk and rambling methods to kill Emma on her terrace. And then, she was found at a random cottage with a knife in her hand and the dead Emma.

She knew there was no chance of her killing Emma.

She knew there was no chance at all of her travelling all the way, bringing Emma to a random place and killing her in the most sadistic way possible.

Above all, she knew there was no chance that she would forget the events at the cottage, in case she killed Emma.


19th January 2024
06: 30 P.M.
Suburbs of Huntsville

In addition to the existing destruction, traces of Betty's vomit and urine were in the room. Her five senses were on the verge of death due to no food, water, and sanitation. And, all her mind longed for was only escape from reality. Or maybe, from the life.

She had realised that she was finally living the definition of Karma. Karma was answering to what she had done to Alex on her birthday. She had already known that it was Alex who posed as Jaden and haunting her life from the nearest distance.

The loud bang on the wooden window interrupted Betty from her thoughts. She had started sobbing already as her mind was busy imagining the worst cases that could happen to her at that moment.

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