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In the enchanting embrace of the waltz, his hands entwined with yours, the dulcet tones of the piccolo and flute wove a romantic melody that reverberated throughout the confines of your home. The soft, nameless tune provided the perfect backdrop for an innocent dance between the two of you, a fleeting yet profound moment of pure bliss.

With one of his arms encircling you, ensuring the fluidity of your dance, the other, his right hand, delicately clasped yours in a gesture of elegant connection. Your free hand, guided by an unseen force, found a comfortable perch on his chest, and a radiant smile adorned your face, mirrored by his own, albeit in a more restrained manner.

"You possess the loveliest smile, my dear," he complimented, releasing your hand with a flourish. Unexpectedly, he allowed his hand to gracefully descend behind his back, and the subtle sound of a knife being drawn reached your ears.

"I wish to preserve this moment forever! So, smile," he declared, revealing the knife with a theatrical flourish. His arm extended, and a broader smile adorned his face. However, within seconds, the scene took a sinister turn as the glinting blade of the knife plunged into your side.Shock and searing pain ripped through your body as the steel pierced your flesh, a visceral agony that stole the breath from your lungs. Stumbling backward in a haze of agony, you felt the warm rush of blood soaking through your clothes, painting your skin in crimson hues. Your vision blurred, the room spinning as you struggled to comprehend the sudden brutality of the act.

Gasping for air, your hands instinctively reached out for support, finding solace in the cold embrace of his arms. The weight of his betrayal bore down upon you, crushing your spirit as tears mingled with the crimson stains upon your cheeks."Why?" you whispered, your voice a fragile echo in the suffocating silence. The agony of betrayal burned like a raging inferno, consuming the remnants of trust and love that once flourished between you.

The soft cadence of the song plunged into a more ominous and dramatic tone, reminiscent of a horror film. In the wake of your bewildered inquiry, the beat underscored the gravity of the situation, an unsettling soundtrack to the unexpected betrayal unfolding before you. Internally, you rolled your eyes at the theatricality, but outwardly, the confusion and hurt, both physical and emotional, kept you too paralyzed to react.

"Oh, but I did invite you to join me in my murders, my heart," he responded sarcastically, his words dripping with a macabre amusement. A memory flashed through your mind, recalling a night at the bar when he seemingly made a jesting invitation. However, what you dismissed as a joke now revealed itself as a chilling prelude to the present horrors. How had you failed to connect the dots?

The recollection triggered a surge of realization—the subtle smiles that played on his lips when discussing murders and cannibalism, the mysterious red stains on his clothes that he dismissed as paint from a friend's house being renovated. The passion for the macabre topics you deemed harmless now manifested as a dark and sinister truth.

"I didn't know you were serious? And 'Your heart'?! Yeah, maybe if you don't plan on eating mine!" you retorted, your voice laden with a mixture of incredulity and defiance. As you prepared to berate him further, a chilling sensation grazed your skin. The cool metal of the knife glided up your side and traversed your arm, its tip innocently resting on your shoulder. The ominous gesture served as a stark reminder of the perilous reality you found yourself entwined in.

"I think you should be careful," he says, his voice dripping with an eerie calmness, as the cold metal of the knife digs slightly into your skin. A sharp gasp escapes your lips, and a shiver runs down your spine. You freeze in fear, eyes widening as if you've just glimpsed a ghost, your gaze fixed on the glinting blade.

"Just smile. You're never fully dressed without one," he insists, his tone oddly cheery, while he lightly pats your cheek with the menacing knife. The juxtaposition of his words and the weapon in his hand sends a chill through the air, and you reluctantly lift your tear-stained eyes to meet his. "You never answered..." you begin, your voice shaky and desperate, more tears streaming down your face. "...Why are you doing this? Was I not a good wife? I did everything for you.  I do every single thing you say, and all I asked was for you to keep me safe."

"Appears I could not do that!" he retorts, his laughter echoing through the room, a twisted symphony of madness. "Well, since you already know, I can't keep you here for much longer, can I?" He poses the question, though it's more of a rhetorical statement. The underlying threat is palpable – the fear of your potential betrayal looms large, and he acknowledges it with a sinister grin.

He stabs you in the side again, and a gut-wrenching cry escapes your lips, echoing through the room like a haunting melody. Your body convulses with pain, each stab sending shockwaves of agony coursing through your veins. You plead with him by your shrieks, your voice voice a desperate plea not to inflict any more suffering, but your words fall on deaf ears.

"NO!" you scream again, the anguish in your voice reverberating off the walls, filling the room with a sense of dread. Your head bangs against his chest in a futile attempt to escape, your trembling fingers reaching up to your husband's shoulders, but you find herself trapped, unable to break free from his grasp.

His hands move with a chilling precision—one at the small of your back, exerting a firm pressure that pins you against him, while the other continues its relentless assault, stabbing her side repeatedly. Each piercing blow is a cruel reminder of your vulnerability marrying him in the first place, each one leaving behind a trail of crimson stains on your once pristine skin. As the onslaught continues, you lose count of the agonizing strikes, the searing pain blurring the line between reality and nightmare. 

The relentless onslaught proves too much for your already weakened state, and with a final surge of pain, you succumb to the merciless thrusts from the knife, your body growing limp in his clutches as you slip into unconsciousness.

My heart.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin