chapter 1

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Sunny’s past
By: Jordan gates
(If the characters words are in a color that is them thought)
Chapter 1: The Release
Sunny’s pov: I spent much of my time frozen in ice, me and the other elemental demigod girls.
“Hi. I’m sunny and I’m the demigod girls leader”
Moony’s pov: “Hey. Sunny I thought you said that this was a team and all of us were the leader.”  “Oh. Hi, I’m Moony. Sunny’s sister .”
Sunny’s pov: “Moony!” “I thought I told you to stay out of my room.”
Moony’s pov: “Well sorry.  You spend more  time in that diary than training with us you know.”
Sunny’s pov: “Hey.  It’s my diary and secrets, not yours, now can you please get out moony. Sorry about that, my sister can be a little pesky at times… anyway, I’m the sun demigod and I can control the sun like Celeste and my dimwitted sister …”
Moony’s pov: “Hey! I heard that .”
Sunny’s pov: “I don’t care.”
“My sister is always a bit nosy, I can’t blame her, I was curious to When I broke free. When I broke free I knew I had to find my friends. Since I had the element of the sun I could sense demigods that made heat type moves, so I sensed spark right away mainly because she was in a volcano. When I got to lava mountain there were guards outside it they were guarding spark when I landed they recognize me as princesses sunny, so they let me in, and there in front of me was spark frozen in lava.  I knew how to free her but I didn’t know if it would free her right away but I knew I had to try so I brought out my sunray wings so I could melt the lava.  Lucky it did work and when spark woke up she was happy to see me it had been 60,000 years since I saw her and once we got acquainted I told her that I saw the nightmares coming this way and that we had to protect her parents. We quickly headed for the castle and the nightmares there and had taken her parents. Spark was devastated, then I saw something I never thought I’d see spark do, she turned in to dark spark. She looked at me and I knew what I had to do, I turned into my white sun form and we headed for the dark mountain to find boney.

Tune in next time for the rest of Sunny’s past

Narrator :
Previously on sunny’s past …
Sunny’s pov: I just found Spark and we were headed to the dark mountain.
We were heading to darkness mountain to find moony she could sense undead types and wind types and when we got there the nightmares were there so I used a solar flare to get rid of them.
When we landed outside moony’s cave we saw the moonlight that imprisoned her so when spark used dark fire blast it nearly blasted moony!  But moony woke up before she got hit and dodged. I told her what happened to Spark’s parents she knew that we had to get the team back together so she turned into her black moon form and we headed for skeleton mountain once we got there the nightmares were headed for the castle so I told spark and moony to go free boney after they left I headed for the castle to fight the nightmares when I got there they were the leaders this time not the normal ones. So it took me a while to scare them off after they ran off I went to where boney was and she was already free and was in her reaper form so we headed for sky mountain to get arris. When we got there the nightmares were not headed for the castle but for arris cave! I told boney to go protect the king and queen. While the rest of us went to save arias. When we got to arris cave there were to nightmare guards and arris was outside fighting them she was in her storm form so we just joined in the action. We saw nightmares on the mountain. So we went to the castle and boney was tied up and the air king and queen were gone. Arias was mad because her parents were gone because the nightmares took them to their castle so we headed to the stone mountain to get rocky and crusher. To get to stone mountain we’d have to take a lot of shortcuts lucky we’d be going past were splash was imprisoned in an ice block and spark and I would be the only ones that could melt it and set her free so when we got to the giant iceberg there was a crack in it like someone had tried to open it and that’s when I saw her, it was my mom the one who got kidnapped and as soon as she saw me she ran over and hugged me. She told us that she had escaped the nightmares and that they were planning to use all the elemental king and queen and suck the energy out of them and use it to destroy the earth where we were sent so we had to save the civilians from there destruction so after me, spark, and my mom broke splash out of the iceberg we filed her in and she turned into her typhoon form and we were off to stone mountain and we got there before the nightmares and freed Rock sand and crusher and filled them in on what was going on in are would and they agreed to help in any way they could so they turn into there bolder form and if we had to find the rest of the boys since Rays and Crusher were the only boys free and we had all the elements we could split but it would be dangerous.
Narrator :
Tune in next time for the rest of Sunny’s past
Narrator :
Previously on Sunny’s past
   Sunny‘s pov: We had just freed Rocksanne and Crusher and we still had to find the rest of the boys so we split up to find the boys of are elements but me, Rocksanne, Rays, and Crusher stayed behind while the rest of the girls when out to find the other boys.  The four of us had to find shelter from the nightmares. There was a cave in the distance so we ran to it and that’s where we found Shadow who was one of the boys and boy was he happy to see us and he told us that he saw the nightmares head north to the castle of the sun “my home” and as soon as I heard him say that I took off toward sun mountain.
Meanwhile, the rest of the girls had found all the boys except shock but on my way to the sun castle, I saw shock was cornered by to punk headed nightmares so I flew down to help him and we beat them pretty quickly and he was happy to see me and I told him that the nightmares were headed to the sun castle to get my father and I had to go. He said he’d come with me and I agreed reluctantly and lucky they didn’t get my father but they got my little brother sunray so I
had to save him again.

Chapter 2: The Rescue
Sunny’s pov: We headed to the nightmares king's castle when we were stopped by a familiar person. It was Pine and he looks worried. When he saw us he quickly came over to us. He asked if we saw sprout his sister because he had lost her in an attack with the nightmare guards. I felt bad for pine because I knew he loved his sister and I knew we had to find her and fast!...
When we got to the nightmare king’s castle we had to sneak in because of the guards.
But to our surprise sprout wasn’t there.
Sprout’s pov: I looked around in wonder “Gosh I thought I’d have gotten out of here by now!
I wish I could use my powers but the nightmare king blocked them.’’ 
Narrator: sprout sees a hatch on the ceiling.
Sprout’s pov:  “Wow, I’m one BIG dummy unlike my brother Pine. Now how am I going to get up there?!
Narrator: Then she remembers that the nightmare king didn’t take away all her powers…
Tune in next time for how sprout gets out.
A/N: Hey guys! I thought I’d give you guys an update about the story, so here are some things you should know. One sunny has more powers than I describe her and that’s what you're about to find out goodbye.
Sprout’s pov: I thought to myself how pine had taught me how to use vine wipe and I try to copy how he did it. “ Got it!” I snagged the hatch of the trap door. Now I could climb out and find my friends. 
Sunny’s Pov:  We reached the nightmare king’s castle but there are guards outside the castle gates. I look at Spark and Splash and they smile.
A/N: Hey again guys, I thought I’d tell that spark really likes to set stuff aflame. Also, Splash loves to make waves.
Splash's Pov: I thought to myself when sunny told me what to do. I saw that there was a moat. “Ya I get to make a wave.”
Sprout’s pov: “ wow that was agitating and also agonizing.  Now which way to go?
Narrator: there was a clash from down the hall.
Sprout’s pov: damn it! Someone heard me
Sunny’s pov: what was that? 
Narrator: sunny turns the corner and is nearly hit in the head with a thick vine.
Sprout’s pov: SUNNY!
Sunny’s pov: SPROUT!
Sprout’s pov: what are you doing here?
Sunny’s pov: I’m here to rescue you?
Sprout’s pov: Hugh! I don’t need to be…
Sunny’s pov: Sprout! Look out behind you!
Narrator: a nightmare guard sprong out from a painting in the wall!
Sunny’s pov: sprout move out the way! Guhr?!
Narrator: the nightmare had stabbed a holy water sword into sunny.
Sprout’s pov:  Sunny! No!
Sunny’s pov: it’s...ok sprout. I’ll be ...f-f-fine.
Sprout’s pov: No, sunny don’t give up on me. We’re gonna get you out of here. Sunny? Sunny! Sunny.
Narrator: Sunny’s body was limp and there was no pulse.
Sprout’s pov: No, No, No, No, No! Sunny please don’t die on me, don’t die on me! Freaking stupid nightmares!
Moony’s pov:  Hey I’m glad I found… is that sunny?
Narrator: moony saw the remains of sunny’s corpse.
Moony’s pov:  w-wh-what hh-happened here? What’s w-wrong with h-her?
Sprout’s pov: ssh-sh-she saved. My. life from a nightmare. I couldn’t do anything. I’m so sorry Moony.
Moony’s pov: It’s. ok, I guess. Let’s get out of here.
Month time   skip
Flare’s pov: Moony you coming downstairs, dinners almost ready?
Moony’s pov: No thanks. I’m … I’m not hungry.
Flare’s pov: ok. I guess I’ll see you later then? Bye.
Moony’s pov: Bye Flare. See you later, I guess.
Narrator: Moony was heartbroken that sunny had died in the battle against the Nightmare king in the last month. Since then the battle was still going on but now they had allies from within the camps of nightmare soldiers.
Moony’s pov: well. She always did want to be a hero. I guess she got her chance. And now she’s gone.
Flare’s pov: I wonder what’s wrong with moony? She’s usually happier than this. Then again sunny did die a month ago and was she was the first sister she ever knew she had. I sure wish she were happier.
Splash‘s pov:  How’s Moony doing Flare? 
Flare’s pov: Well, she’s not coming down. I think she still isn’t over sunny’s death.
A/N: Hey guys, please don’t be made that the main protagonist died but she will come back later in the story also there may be a second book but it will have a different title than the first book. Also, I have a challenge for the student readers and any teacher who would want to participate in this event. I challenge you to try and draw the characters in the story.
Nightfall’s pov: Do you think that she’ll be back to normal soon, Flare?
Flare’s pov: Wow that shows how much you cared about your own girlfriend, what you trying to get with Moony. I can tell you she’s not into you because she’s into anyone who is a dark, fire, ghost, metal, or earth type elemental.
Nightfall’s pov: hmmph.
Flare’s pov: What, cat got your tongue.
Moony’s pov: hey guys.
Flare’s pov: Moony! Are you okay?
Moony’s pov: Ya sure. I’ve decided that today’s the day that the nightmare king’s rain is coming to an end today once and for all!
Nightfall’s pov: Are you saying we take on the nightmare king.
Moony’s pov: Yes! He took my sister’s life so I’m taking his.

To be continued in the next book

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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