Oh, You're Done

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Notro is a noob with a blue shirt and a red cape, green pants and white shoes

Wacky is a guest with a black shirt that says Welcome with x-ray goggles

Inko is a bacon with a dino onsie and sharp teeth

Player: A boy with white skin purple glasses and a red shirt with short sleeves with a ghost hat

Notro's pov

I groggily slid on my paper hat, a quirky morning ritual, before yawning and turning around to face my twin sister, Nyla. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she startled me by shouting "BOO" through her zombie mask. I let out a scream of surprise, tumbling off the bed as she dissolved into giggles, removing her mask with a triumphant grin. Nyla always had a penchant for pranks, her love for pink and preppy attire contrasting sharply with her playful nature.

"Nice one," I grumbled, playfully patting her back before delivering a light slap. She winced, rubbing her arm as I made my way downstairs, hastily devouring breakfast in my rush to leave for Wacky's house.

"Where are you off to?" Mom's voice halted my escape, her gaze piercing with suspicion.

"To Wacky's. We've got a school project due on Monday," I replied, meeting her questioning stare with a shrug.

"Why rush? It's only Friday, and unlike mere mortals, you don't have school on Fridays," Dad chimed in, flipping pancakes for my numerous siblings.

"I just want to get it over with," I explained hastily, darting out the door as their parting words of caution followed me.

I knocked on Wacky's door, greeted by his eager face. "Hey, you're here. Inko's tearing up the backyard, and I've lost track of Player. Come on in." I followed him to the backyard, where Inko was lounging upside-down with headphones blaring, and Player was energetically doing jumping jacks.

That's Inko for you – always full of boundless energy and eccentric antics. They say opposites attract, and Wacky, with his intellect matching that of the renowned Robert Einstein, is a perfect contrast to Inko's exuberance, and player just a game loving nerd.

"YEAH YEAH, WE'RE BREAKING ALL THE RULES, YEAH YEAH, YOU KNOW THAT'S REALLY COOL," Inko sang out, oblivious to the world around them. Wacky's younger sister, Sally, chuckled nearby as Inko and Player greeted me.

"G-G-Good to see you," I managed, stifling laughter at Inko's antics. "So, what's the plan for our rocket ship project?" I asked eagerly.

"We've already completed it," Wacky replied matter-of-factly, prompting a blank stare from me. "So, what now?"

Inko's eyes lit up. "Let's play BedBattle! Come on, let's go!"

"Sure," Wacky and I agreed simultaneously, following Inko's lead.

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