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"sorry im late, i had a class i couldnt miss" theo walked into the room and stood against the wall.

he hadnt even noticed his girlfriend kneeling beside her father with tears on her face, blood running down her nose and onto her lips and a handprint across her cheek.

draco came up the stairs, straightening his suit and standing back with his parents, next to his sister, holding her shoulder descreatly.

"ill let it slide but have a better reason next time." voldemort said before he left the room.

theo looked at draco and then down at aurora, as he was about to step towards the twins, draco shook his head.

aurora wiped her eyes and kept her eyes on the floor.

the silence that filled the room was deafening and so bellatrix moved towards hermione who still hadnt moved from the floor.

"bella. i wouldnt." lucius warned

"oh boo hoo malfoy." she mocked before putting her foot against the poor girls throat.

theo, draco and aurora all cringed and shut their eyes as they expected to hear a crack of bones breaking.

exept they didnt. they heard a bolt unscrewing.

everyone in the room looked up to find the source of the sound.

and oh did they.

dobby, the malfoys old house elf, was unscrewing  the chandelier right above where hermione was laying and bella was standing.

as the chandelier fell, bellatrix ran and hermione just about managed to move away in time.

hermione rolled and landed very close to aurora.

not caring about consequences at the time, aurora pulled the brunette to her chest and stroked her hair, rocking her as the girl cried silently.

"ive got you, its okay" the blonde kissed her head and stroked her hair.

her brother tapped her side with his foot.

"i dont care. shes hurt." aurora shoved his foot away


"dobby has no master. dobby is a free elf. and dobby has come to save harry potter and his friends!"

"harry potter? HARRY POTTER!"

with a snap of his fingers dobby disappeared and only seconds later did he return with harry and ron beside him.

hermione stood and took both aurora and dracos hand running and pulling them towards where the 3 stood. theo followed them and just as quick as they arrived, they left.

not before bellatrix could throw a dagger at them though.


im so done

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